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(Evena's pov)

I and ash were so happy we step our first foot on kalos region .

"Hey!can you take care of my brother ??"A short girl with blonde hair and blue eyes asked .

"Hey there cutie what's your name?"I asked

"Bonnie " she answered

"Very cute name " I said

" Hey I have told you not to mention it , sorry about my sister my name is clemont " he said ,he also looked like bonnie.

"It's ok" I said

"By the way, what's your name???" Clemont said

"My name is Evena , I am from blackthorn city  , Johto region and I am a pokemon trainer " I replied

" And this is my friend ash from palet town.....wait where is he ???" I was confused where did he went???

" Clemont, bonnie can you help me find ash ,he has raven hair and brown eyes " I asked

"Sure " they answered

"Thanks" I said firmly

We all were finding ash and I found him

"Ash where were you ???" I asked a bit annoyed

"Oh...I was helping this girl,her name is Serena " he said

" Oh...Hi there Serena my name is Evena " I said friendly

"Soo.... you are Evena that ash was talking " she asked

"ummm...I guess yes " I replied back

(Ash's pov)

"Well let's go to Lumiose City and meet professer sycomore"I said changing the topic

"Ash forgot we are in Lumiose City " Evena said

"Oh...yes" I said shamelessly

We went to the lab of professer sycomore

"Oh...hi there my name is Augustine sycomore, can I help you " he said

" Oh hi we are going to....." Bonnie said confusedly

" I am going get my starter prof.sycomore " Serena said

" Yes Serena,I know " he said getting 3 pokeballs

Staters were







" I will choose fennekin " Serena said

" Very well are you two ???" Prof.sycomore asked

" My name is Evena and this is my friend ash . I am from blackthorn city , Johto region and This is Ash from palet town , Kanto reigion. professer oak sent us to start a journey in kalos region"
Evena explained

" Here are three pokedex for you three " prof.sycomore said

" Thanks " I , Evena and Serena said

We went outside the lab

(Evena's pov)

I was thinking about first gym .

I looked at my partner

" What do you think eevee ? We can do this ? "

"" she said

" Do you think ash we can do this together ?"

"Yes,of course we can " he said

"Well...can bonnie and I travel with you two ??" Clemont asked

" Me too..." Serena said

" Sure " I and ash said together

Serena came closer to ash that felt me little jealous .

" Ash do you remember me...I was small when we met in professer oak's camp ? I got hurt and you helped me " Serena said

Ash started remembering everything

" Oh..yes " he said

" You have me your hankercheif ,here it goes back to you " Serena said

" Thanks Serena " ash said

" Umm.....Serena let's go we need to get bages ash " I said changing the topic

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