04. better off

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Despite her brother's wishes, Alice Cullen had kept an eye on Claire's future. She felt like she owed it to the poor girl; they had come into her life, flipped it upside down then abandoned her. Her husband, Jasper, was extremely broken up about leaving her, he had me more quiet than usual the last few months. Edward could hardly stand being in the same room as him because his thoughts made him feel guilty.

Rosalie had taken up a different coping strategy. She was angrier than usual; her temper was short and she had taken to making Edward's life as miserable as possible. It started with small things, like hiding his car keys or turning up his stereo volume for when he listened to music again, until recently when she became more enraged by his lack of care for the girl he left behind. She had let out his tires, she'd managed to get him in trouble with the principle at their new school and had swapped all of his CDs for copies of Sir Mix-A-Lot's 'Baby Got Back'. Emmett had thought it was the most hilarious thing in the world.

Alice was in the middle of reorganising her wardrobe for the second time this week when she was sucked into a vision.

It started as blur of bright, white lights until it focused and she could see Claire walking down a bright hospital hallway with two police officers. She saw flashes of her face; her eyes red and puffy from crying, her face expressionless.

The vision then cut to Claire curled up on the cold tiles in her kitchen in the middle of the night, her heartbroken cries and sobs echoing through the empty house. The only light was coming from the streetlight outside. Claire looked a mess; her hair looked like she hadn't brushed it for days, she had dark circles under her eyes that made her look half dead, the pyjamas she was wearing were wrinkled like she'd been wearing them for a while. Before Alice could fully grasp what she was seeing, she was thrown to another scene.

It was Claire, standing in the heavy rain, wearing a modest black dress. The older policemen from before was stood slightly behind her, holding an umbrella over her to protect her from the miserable weather. Another flash and Alice was staring at two headstones.

They belonged to Jennifer and Michael Avery. Claire's parents.

She was thrown out of her vision with a gasp, the venom pooling in her eyes like tears that would never fall. Her vision was so clear, so certain. Nothing was going to change it. Jasper was holding her face in his hands, his expression full of concern and worry.

"What did you see, sweetheart?" He asked her softly, trying to dampen her stricken emotions.

"Oh Jasper, I'm so sorry," she cried and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms circled her in return, holding her tight to him as she sobbed.

"Claire's parents, they're gone. Oh god. she's all alone," she was distraught. Claire was her friend, but she knew Jasper would feel awful for not being there for her. He took her emotional well-being on as his responsibility. When she was anything other than her optimistic self, he'd subtly attempt to cheer her up.

"I'm going to kill him," Jasper whispered into her hair as he clung to her tighter. This was all Edward's fault. If he didn't insist on them leaving, he could still be there for her. She wouldn't have to be navigating life on her own.

Later that night, when Edward had returned from hunting with Emmett, Rose and Esme, who was acting as a mediator between them, he was greeted by a somber Alice and an angry Jasper. He immediately picked up on Alice's thoughts, he saw everything she had seen. The guilt was nearly overwhelming.

"Good, you should feel guilty," Jasper had picked up his sudden change of emotion. Edward simple hung his head to avoid eye contact with anyone.

"What's going on?" Esme asked, her warm, motherly tone chiseling away at Jasper's rage slightly.

"Claire. Her parents died tonight. The funerals are in a week," Alice's voice was sad and quiet. There was a moment of silence until Esme spoke again.

"Will she be alright? She has family that will look after her, yes?"

Alice shook her head sadly. Claire had told them that she lost all of her grandparents before she turned 10, and both her parents were both the only children they had. She had no extended family.

"I have to go see her," Rosalie finally spoke up. She had taken Emmett's hand and was squeezing it like it was the only thing holding her back from running to Claire right now.

"You can't," Edward was quick to respond, earning a growl from Jasper and an icy glare from Rose.

"You do not tell me what to do," Rose hissed at him, fed up with his selfishness. It was all Edward's doing, it's his fault she had to leave behind the only other friend she had. It was his fault that she wasn't there to comfort Claire right now. Emmett wrapped his arms around her waist in an attempt to settle her.

"We should wait for Carlisle to get home," Esme suggested after a beat of tense silence. Everyone quietly agreed, taking seats around the living room while Edward stood solemnly as far away from them as he could.

Carlisle arrived home not half an hour later, his brows pulling in confusion when he stepped into the room. Esme was the only one to greet him as she made her way to his side, her sad smile unsettling him.

"What's wrong?" he asked everyone, though they barely acknowledged him.

"Claire's parents were in a car crash," Edward spoke up first, surprising everyone. "They didn't make it."

Carlisle immediately frowned, eyeing his son. Edward looked torn, like he was fighting with himself. After they left Anchorage, Edward confided in the older vampire that he regretted getting involved with Claire, believing that he was only attracted to her superficially because she made him feel more human. Carlisle didn't believe that for a second, no matter how much his son saw himself as a soulless monster, he always tried to do right by everyone. He knew Edward cared about Claire, and he clearly still thought about her.

"I'd like to go see her," Rosalie told him, leaning against her husband for support.

Carlisle pondered that for a moment. He agreed that they should pay their respects, but he didn't think showing their faces again would benefit Claire's healing in any way. Michael and Jennifer had been incredibly welcoming of his family, insisting that since their children were dating that they should all get to know each other. Carlisle even considered Michael a friend, he'd make time to stop and talk whenever they'd see each other around, always wishing his family the best. The world lost two truly kind souls.

"We shouldn't. Returning to her life and then leaving again would be selfish of us," although none of them said a word, they silently agreed. They needed to keep her best interests at heart. "I'm sorry."

Rosalie simply stood and retreated to her bedroom, Emmett following closely behind. Jasper and Alice shared a look and a subtle nod before also leaving the room. Edward made to leave as well but was swiftly stopped by his father.

"You wanted this; this is how it has to play out. I know you still care for her, but you made the choice."

Edward simply nodded and exited the room, making his way out of the house. Carlisle was right, he had made his choice and now he had to live with it. He had to move on, like Claire had to. He had to stop thinking about her and he had to stop feeling guilty. Ultimately, it was for the best. 


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ok so i lied, you get this update as well then one more on friday... and maybe one more before that because you've all been lovely. thank you for all the support. <3

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