31. a beginning

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Standing in the middle of the unwelcoming, stone throne room, Claire as underwhelmed. While the kings an guards always presented themselves well, always dressed in the finest garments, their home didn't seem to reflect the standing within the world.

The floor was laid with aged marble, dozens of cracks and fractures littering the once exquisite surface. The tiles all gently sloped towards a rather large and grotesque rain in the center, the dark red rust leaving nothing to the imagination. There were columns around the edge of the room, in matching marble, which had broken, crumbled pieces missing, and the dirty light stone walls had seen better days.

On a dais on the far wall stood three identical thrones, built from even more marmoreal, with tall backs and luxurious golden finishes. Everything in the room was covered in a thick layer of dust, apart from the king's thrones. The castle had been neglected, that much was clear.

"Welcome home, amore." Marcus said quietly, coming up beside her and taking her hand. He led her up the steps of the platform, guiding her to take the middle throne.

She looked regal, like she belonged there. Her kings stood in front of her in admiration, imagining another throne beside theirs for her. The could she her ruling by their side, a voice of compassion and reason that they knowingly lacked. Centuries of living at the top of the food chair led to them becoming crueler than they had wanted to be.

While she looked around the room, analyzing every small detail her eyes could see, the entirety of the Volturi guard filtered into the room, taking position behind the kings to await instruction. Those who had not yet seen Claire stared at her openly.

They expected a meek, small woman, one that would let the kings continue as they were. Instead, she looked strong and proud in Aro's throne, a perfect picture of grace and beauty, even in her casual clothes.

"Mi amore," Aro called for her attention and her head snapped to his direction. "This is the royal guard."

He stepped aside and gestured to the orderly gathering behind him, Caius and Marci following his lead. Claire raised a brow at the guard as they continued to shamelessly stare back at her. They were intrigued; they rarely interacted with humans that weren't food.

The guards she had met before were at the back of the group, watching on with amused smirks. Claire wouldn't be what they expected at all.

"Hi, I'm Heidi." A confident brunette stepped forward, a bright smile on her dazzling face. Claire blinked at her for a moment, slightly dumbfounded. She expected more hostility. She was sure they all knew of the incident with Santiago, and she expected them to rally in support of one of their own.

After a moment of silence, she smiled in returned. "Hello, Heidi. I'm Claire, but I'm sure you knew that."

Her melodic voice never wavered, showing no signed of fear or uncertainty. She trusted her kings to keep her safe in their home.

The remainder of the guards slowly introduced themselves, all much more formally that Heidi did to avoid the scowl she received from Caius.

"Now, we have a surprise for you all," Aro raised his voice once they had all returned to their positions. "Felix and Dimitri, please go fetch it."

As ordered, they darted from the room. Aro came to stand beside Claire, resting a hand delicately on her shoulder. His brothers joined with on the dais, taking their seats of their respective thrones. She looked at them curiously, but they all avoided eye contact with her.

The large, medieval doors swung open with a thunderous bang. Each with an arm in their hands, Felix and Dimitri dragged a struggling Santiago into the room. Claire tensed at the feral look in his eye, one that reminded her vividly of the attack. The animalistic snarls and growls echoed off the stone walls, so loud that she was sure people outside must be able to hear him. The guards forced him to his knees in front of the royalty, both still keeping a secure grip on the traitor.

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