15. closer

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In the following week, Caius and Marcus visited her frequently. They'd spend hours reading in silence together, Claire tucked into Marcus' side and her slender legs draped over Caius' lap as they sprawled across her living room floor, the furniture pushed against the walls. They would bring her breakfast, lunch and dinner, cater to her every need, just to spend quality time together.

The two brothers didn't comment on Aro's absence, but Claire felt it in her chest. Since the day she revealed she knew they were vampires, the oldest king had not contacted her. She assumed the bond was affecting her, because her heart ached, and she didn't feel as happy as she should. She thought he'd jump at the chance to see her, now that she had been on her date with Caius, but she hadn't heard a word.

Unbeknownst to Claire, Aro had confided in his brothers once Caius returned from his time with Claire.

He feared his ability, tactile telepathy, would either scare her or prevent him from ever holding her in his arms, from ever feeling her warm skin in his hands. If she wished to never touch him, he'd oblige, but he didn't know if he could survive living an eternity without being allowed to touch his soulmate. In his fear of rejection, he had been avoiding her.

Caius had spent hours berating him for hurting Claire, even if she was too polite to mention his avoidance. He tried reassuring him that Claire would be more than understanding, because that's just who she was. Marcus threatened Aro; telling him that if he continued to hurt her, he'd drag him to her by his ear.

The threat seemed to have worked, because instead of Marcus and Caius bringing her breakfast, Aro was stood in the middle of Claire's kitchen, carefully placing pastries from her favourite café on a plate while she fixed herself a cup of coffee. Modern music, that he was unfamiliar with, floated softly through her apartment, setting a cosy atmosphere.

"You didn't have to bring me breakfast," she protested quietly. She felt awkward; she barely knew him, and he seemed to have been avoiding her. She was willing to give him a chance, though, and she was curious as to why he knocked on her door this morning, instead of Marcus and Caius.

"I wanted to," he told her gently, turning around the face her completely.

He took in her appearance; her dark hair piled on the top of her head in a messy bun, her face free almost free from makeup except for the slight smudge of yesterday's mascara under her eyes. She looked comfortable in her sweatpants and oversized shirt; an outfit he assumed she wore because she was expecting his brothers.

"Well, thank you. Again," she said, avoiding eye contact with him, much to his displeasure. She took her mug and lead him back into the living room, Aro carrying the plate of food with him. Claire sat in the corner of the lounge, her legs tucked under her and her hot coffee securely between both hands. Aro put the assortment of treats on the uncentred coffee table and then stood ridged on the other side of the room.

Claire let a few minutes of awkward silence pass before she couldn't take it anymore. With a heavy sigh, she leant forward and put her half-full mug on the coffee table, taking a cornetti to satisfy her rising hunger.

"Why are you here, Aro?" she asked before taking a small bite from the pastry. While she chewed, he tried to formulate an answer.

"I... I'm sorry," he eventually said, defeatedly. "I'm sorry I haven't been in contact. My brothers, they have it much easier than me. Marcus, as you know, can see the bonds between people. Caius, while he doesn't have an ability to that degree, he's an invaluable strategist. I admire them both, but I also envy them. My ability, it's advantageous when dealing with trials and interrogations, but it prevents me getting close to people. I don't want you to be afraid of me, I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of you."

"Aro, please," she interrupted, "tell me what's wrong?"

He nodded slightly and took a deep, unneeded breath before continuing.

"I can see all of the thoughts you've ever had with a single touch. Every memory, every deep desire. It's invasive and intrusive. I have to be careful with you, I cannot touch you. I'd never invade your privacy or break your trust in such a way. "

During his speech, she had finished her food and sat up straight, her hands neatly folded in her lap as she listened intently.

Claire was rather surprised at his admission. He was avoiding her because he didn't want her to reject him for his ability. She was taken aback at his ability; it was eerily similar to Edward's and initially sent her on edge. But Edward had never shown concern for her privacy, nor did he seem guilty whenever he addressed her thoughts instead of her voice. Aro's hesitance to get close to her, purely for her own comfort, was endearing. She could see the sorrow in his eyes, the thought of never being allowed to touch her was eating at his soul.

Logically, Claire knew she would be spending the rest of her life with the three kings. Eventually there would be no secrets between them, they would be attuned to each other in ways she couldn't even imagine at this moment. She would not allow Aro to simply watch from afar, unable to be as close to her as his brothers. That would be a cruel punishment to endure forever.

"Here," she raised her hand to him, her slender fingers reaching towards him. She wouldn't keep him away from her.

"Claire?" he stuttered out, confused but hopeful. She offered him a calm, reassuring smile.

Slowly, he stepped towards her, giving her time to rescind the offer. He couldn't believe she was letting him touch her. It had taken years before his deceased wife allowed him to, but his beautiful mate was offering the depths of her mind to him. Willingly, she was going to share everything with him.

Once he was a few feet from her, she stood up carefully, so close that their chests were almost touching. To assure himself that this is what she wanted, he lifted his hand up to his side, an offering to her.

Deliberately, she reached for him, her fingers lacing with his with a gentle purpose.

Vivid, colourful visions flooded his mind. Her childhood, all her achievements. He watched her ride a bike for the first time, he felt her determination even after falling five times. He saw her parents, her perky mother and doting father. He watched her grow up, make friends and flourish into a wonderful young woman. He saw her dance recitals, he could feel the peace she felt while she was performing.

He watched her fall in love; he saw her utter devotion to that young vampire. Then he watched Edward break her heart. That filled Aro with a vicious rage. He swore he would never forget that boy's face, it was burnt into his mind forever. He would get his comeuppance.

Abruptly, everything became dull and faded. He saw her trying to heal, to find herself, but once life began returning to her, it was suddenly torn from her again. The death of her parents, the mourning, the graphic nightmares. He felt the weight it put on her soul. Oh, how he wished he could have been there to comfort her. Eventually, things began to look familiar.

With a content sigh, Aro let go of her hand, a look of bliss plastered on his face. His eyes fluttered open, and he peered down at Claire, her bright blue eyes staring up at him.

"Bellissima," he breathed, his cold hands coming up to cradle her face tenderly. He pressed his forehead against hers, his eyes closing again as he relished in the feeling of his mate in his hands. Claire melted against him, her eyes drifting closed while her hands clung to his crisp, white shirt in an attempt to keep upright.

"Magnifica," eyes still closed, he pressed a loving kiss to her forehead. He couldn't believe he was so lucky. She was everything he needed and more. 


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