10. brothers

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"Relax, bellissima. They're going to love you," Marcus smiled down at the nervous woman at his side.

He had finally managed to convince Claire to meet his brothers. He was terrified, but he wasn't going to let it show. If they didn't approve of her, he didn't want to even think about the consequences. He had grown to love her in their few months together, but he still didn't know how to discuss his immortality with her without risking her freaking out and leaving him. His heart could not bear it if she didn't accept him.

"But what if they don't?" she grumbled, chewing on her bottom lip and huffing in exasperation. Marcus chuckled at her, wrapping an arm around her waist, holding her to his side and gave her a comforting squeeze. They were on their way to an upscale restaurant, despite her insistence against him spending the unnecessary money, where they would be meeting Aro and Caius for dinner. Aro had been particularly pushy about meeting her as soon as possible, and Marcus couldn't put it off any longer.

"Then they're bigger idiots than I thought they were," he replied, smirking as they stepped into the restaurant because he knew they could hear him. She just laughed lightly, shaking her head. They were led towards there table, in a far corner of the restaurant by the hostess. Claire's breath hitched when she spotted the two men waiting for them.

One seemed slightly intimidating; his shoulder-length blonde hair neatly tucked behind his ears, his crimson eyes burning intensely as he observed her approach, his face tense with emotion. She could clearly see he was tall, taller than Marcus, and the crisp suit he wore accentuated the lean muscles underneath. The older brother at his side was also staring intently at her, his eyes sparkling with glee and he had a gentle smile on his lips. He wore his hair shorter than he brothers, and thought it was still black, his suit was more casual, and his tie was missing. She noted the matching necklaces they wore, the same as Marcus'. A small, jewel covered 'v' on a golden chain.

Marcus could barely contain the vicious snarl that threatened to erupt when he saw the flickering golden bond strengthen around Aro and the new one form around Caius, threading them to Claire. Though they didn't glow as brightly as his did, it was clear; she was theirs too. Of course, he gets one good thing in his life and he has to share her. The fates were cruel.

"Ah, there you are, Marcus. We were beginning to think you got lost," Aro was the first to regain his composure, naturally. He was right, Marcus' memory did not do her justice. Her silken, dark brunette tresses was meticulously styled in deep waves, the light makeup she wore only enhanced her natural beauty. Marcus just scowled in response, tightening his grip around Claire's waist possessively.

The brothers rose from their seats to greet them, Caius, the golden-haired vampire, was the first to gracefully offer her a hand, which she almost too eagerly took.

"I'm Caius, piccolo," his voice was confident and sent a shiver straight down her spine, a light blush decorating her cheeks. He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, his intense eyes never leaving hers. He disregarded the glare he received from Marcus.

He couldn't believe it. The woman his brother had been fawning over for months was in front of him, and she was his too. He was livid he had to share her, but he was grateful for this chance at love. It would be worth it. He could not wait to dote on her and shower her in lavish gifts, though he knew from Marcus that she would probably be opposed to such extravagant treatment. She would be his very reason for living, and he would make sure she knew it. He vowed to protect her from anything that wished to cause her harm. He'd raze cities to the ground if she asked.

"Caio, Caius. I've heard so much about you," she greeted him, attempting to ignore the shock his touch sent through her body and how it made her stomach flutter. The overprotective embrace from Marcus didn't go unnoticed, and she felt incredibly guilty that he was feeling threatened.

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