41. moments

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"Relax, amore," Caius cooed, carefully lifting Claire from the desk she had fallen asleep on. "You've been working too hard."

She had been up at all hours of the night for the last few weeks, finishing the last of their wedding planning while juggling her ambitious dreams for Volterra castle. She had barely been sleeping, and when she did it was usually in the most unusual places.

Aro had found her asleep on the floor in a barely used corridor, curled up against the cold, stone wall, and then the next night she had fallen asleep on the steps a few doors from her bedroom door. She had been running herself ragged, taking on the responsibility of their wedding because she didn't want them to become lax with their own duties.

They argued, of course, but they knew she was right. They couldn't let everything they had worked so hard for, for so many centuries, go to waste. She deserved the world, and they were going to make sure she got it.

Aro and Marcus were out of the castle, following rumours of a potential threat with a few of the guards. Usually, Caius would be with them, but he hadn't gotten the chance to spend time alone with Claire for a few weeks.

She mumbled incoherently, turned her head into his shoulder as he carried her to his chambers. He smiled softly down at her sleeping figure, admiring her effortless beauty.

He strode carefully through the castle, being careful not to jostle her or startle her awake. He was going to steal her for the night, spend time with her even if she was asleep. He just missed being near her.

He placed her carefully on his bed, on top of the covers, and covered her with the throw from the end of the bed. It wasn't too cold tonight, and he had lit his fireplace a few hours ago, hoping to make the room warn enough that he could curl up with her, without worrying about her getting sick.

"Caius," she murmured, her hands reaching out towards him in an unconscious attempt to pull him close. "I miss you."

He frowned but took her hands in his and allowed her to pull him onto the bed. He kicked his shoes off as he went, and slid his arm under her head, pulling her as close as possible.

"I'm sorry, my love," he pressed a gentle kiss to the crown of her head. "I know we've all been busy. How about we spend all of tomorrow together, hm?"

She nodded, just barely. Caius started humming, an old tune he could faintly remember from centuries ago, and Claire drifted into dreamland, safe in his arms.


In the late hours of the morning, Claire finally began to stir. Her late nights and thinly spread schedule had finally caught up to her, her body finally getting much-needed rest.

Caius had instructed the entire castle to stay well away from his wing, and had Jane reschedule any appointments she had for the day. He had to send Dimitri and Felix on a mission because they couldn't seem to stop arguing over everything and he didn't want their shouting matches to wake Claire.

She rolled over, burying her face into the feather pillow and groaning lowly. She was still tired but felt a lot better than she had for the last few weeks.

"Amore?" The gentle voice of Caius drifted from the doorway. He had opened the door silently when he heard a change in her breathing.

He only got a muffled sound of acknowledgement in response. With a chuckle he stepped into the room, an overflowing tray of her favourite pastries and a mug of hot chocolate in his hands.

"I bring offerings," he said quietly, placing the tray on other of the bedside tables. She lifted her head to see him, a light scowl on her gorgeous face. He thought she was too adorable. He sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out to brush his fingers through her dark hair.

"If you and your brothers keep bringing me these for breakfast, I'm not going to be able to fit into my dress." She rolled over and sat up, leaning against the headboard. Caius shifted closer, adjusting the blanket across her lap so it sat neatly.

"Then we'll just have to get you a new one," he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He picked up the tray and placed it in her lap and holding her hot chocolate out to her. "So, eat up, you're going to need your energy."


Caius and Claire were sprawled out across a checker picnic blanket, in the shade, his back propped against a large tree and her head resting on his stomach. He was reading aloud, his fingers carding slowly through her hair. Claire had her eyes closed, listening to the warm, comforting voice of her soulmate.

Caius had driven them out of Volterra, to a sprawling vineyard owned by someone he knew. The weather had just started to warm up again, so it was perfect weather. He let Claire roam to her hearts content, taking as many photos as her camera film would allow. He left surprised her with a small picnic, with all her favourites and a bottle of the finest wine from the depths of their cellars. She only deserved the best.

Claire had eaten, and now they were just enjoying being close to each other, away from the stress and pressure of the castle. They missed their one-on-one time; both of their schedules were just too busy.

"Caius?" Claire murmured, her eyes still closed.

"Yes, my love?" He placed the book on his chest.

"Promise me that when we get married," he couldn't help but smile at that. "We will still get moments like this?"

She needed moments like this with him, and with Aro and Marcus. She needed the closeness and the love, the affection. Her heart craved it. She didn't want to lose that connection when they fell into the steady flow of matrimony.

Caius sat up straight, taking her with him and pulling her into his lap. His careful hands cradled her face, his ruby eyes taking in every detail of her face. She was worried, he could see it in the way her brow furrowed and the corners of her mouth turned down.

"Claire," he started clearly, completely holding her attention. "I promise that we will have moments like these, for the rest of eternity. If you ever need something from us, be it our attention or affection, all you need to do it ask. We will drop everything to make you happy, for the rest of our long lives. Do not fret, little one."

His eyes flickered down to her lips, before leaning in and capturing them in a searing kiss. 

a/n: smut to follow

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a/n: smut to follow

also, thank you everyone for your support on my last chapter/update. <3

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