29. change of plans

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The remainder of the day was spent together, the brothers finally further explaining their role on the vampire world. They had decided that they needed to involve her more deeply, to hopefully ease her into their world further. They explained their history, their many alliances and even their foes. She absorbed all the information like a sponge, and even started taking notes when they told her of their complicated collection of allies and friends.

Aro told her more about Carlisle Cullen's time with the coven, and she was thoroughly surprised that Aro had even considered him a friend once. While Aro enjoyed the scholarly vampire and his company, it was clear to Claire that Carlisle still thought himself above them, due to their choice of diet. That arrogance seemed to have rubbed off on his first son.

Marcus also explained to her that they were actively seeking the Cullen's location. She protested, of course. She still was fond of most of the family, and she frequently thought of Rose and Jasper. Her kings assured that her friends wouldn't be punished, only those actively involved with entangling her in their world would face their judgement.

"We had wanted you to join us in visiting a few allies in America, but after yesterday... we would feel better if we invited them to visit us at the castle," Marcus told her, earning a slight pout from her. "I know, love. But we must protect you, we'd be nothing without you."

He leaned over and kissed her forehead tenderly.

"I know," she sighed. "I'd feel more comfortable with more security, too."

"Then you shall have it," Caius declared, smiling up at her from is position stretched out across the lounge with his head in her lap.

"I'd feel even better if you moved into the castle with us," Aro interjected.

She stared at him, wide-eyed in surprise. His brothers were also shocked by his sudden suggestion. They both agreed with him but were worried that it may be too soon for her.

When she was silent for too long, he began to panic, stumbling over his words as he tried to back pedal.

"I mean- you don't- it's not- I don't-"

She started laughing at him as he rambled, finding his nervousness utterly adorable. When he continued to stammer, completely ignoring her amused giggles, she gently coaxed Caius off her lap and stood. She made her way towards Aro, who was sitting ramrod straight in her father's favorite chair. Slowly, she reached out and cupped his cheek with one hand.

The stark contrast between her warm skin and his cool temperature jolted him from his rambling, his crimson eyes snapping to hers. She smiled softly at him, reassuring him that it was alright.

He delved into her thoughts, and a blinding grin graced his face when she showed him that she would gladly move to the castle for them. He abruptly stood up and engulfed her in a hug.

"Oh, mio caro. That would be most wonderful," he breathed. She smiled into his shoulder; her fingers played with the hair on the nape of his neck.

Caius and Marcus shared a joyous laugh, elated at the thought of sharing their home with their soulmate, finally.

"We have to call ahead and have Chelsea prepare a wing for you, and collect your things from Cecina," Aro started rambling again, letting go of Claire and began pacing the room.

"Why do I need my own wing?" She tilted her head sideways, drawing her brows together in confusion. Marcus came to stand in front of her, bending at the knee to face her directly.

"We don't want to push you, mi amore. Moving in with us is a big step, we'd never overstep and assume anything of you. You'd have your own space, away from my annoying brothers-"

"Hey!" Caius called, scowling. "We're not that annoying."

Claire giggled at him, while Marcus rolled his eyes.

"The point is, you'll have plenty if space to get away and sleep peacefully. And you can kick us out whenever you'd like."

"Of course, once you've been turned, you can convert your bedroom into anything else if you'd like," Aro spoke up.

Caius and Marcus froe, aghast. Aro just couldn't help putting his foot in his mouth, apparently.

"Oh, I'd love my own study," she grinned, seemingly skimming over the topic of her turning. "I mean, I'd like one before then, but I don't want to impose."

Aro smirked at his brother's confounded expressions.

When he peaked into Claire's mind earlier, he saw her resolve. She wanted to be like them, a vampire. Not for the immortality, not the beautiful perfection that came with the thirst for blood. She was not so vain. She simply wanted to spend forever with them, to love them endlessly and stand strong and supportive at their side.

"It would be no imposition, tesoro," he said softly. His brothers scrambled for words, Caius jumping to his feet in urgency.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked, his voice tense. "The hell are you on about, Aro?"

"Claire's transformation, of course, brother," Aro said smugly. "She wants to join us, don't you, amore?"

"Yes," she exclaimed, stepping away from Marcus to stand at Aro's side. "Of course, I do. I want to spend forever with you all."

The silence droned on between them all, Aro's hand pressed on her lower back in unwavering support. He hoped that his brothers would show her support, and not try to convince her not to follow the path she was so surely set on.

"If you don't... want me to change... I won't," she told them weakly, averting her eyes towards the floor. She took their silence as a quiet rejection, only Aro standing with her.

"No, no! No sweetheart. That's not- we would completely support your choice. But we don't want you to feel pressured into turning. There is no going back, it's a complete change of lifestyle. You won't be able to see Layla or Ryan for a few years, you won't be able to go out during the day anymore. You'd never be able to have children. Claire, we survive on blood. You would have to take lives, and I don't want you living with that burden," Marcus told her gently. "You're too sweet and kind for that."

"I know, I've thought of everything, and I'm very sure I want to live out an eternity with my kings."

a/n: I'm moving my update days for this book to mondays

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a/n: I'm moving my update days for this book to mondays. it works better with my new schedule. <3 thank you all so much. 

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