09. lovers

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Claire was still shaken from her dream the previous night. It seemed so real, but her parents were torn away from her again. She had plans to take a walk around the city to find a bookstore today, but after last night she didn't have the energy. The only respite she got from the nightmare replaying in her mind was the thoughts of Marcus. Despite featuring in her dream, she knew he wouldn't hurt her or anyone she loved. Her mind simple associated him being a human-consuming vampire with the horror stories Jasper had told her about his past.

She was sipping her coffee while curled up in the lounge when the shrill of the telephone cut through the silence and made her jump, splashing herself with her lukewarm drink. She placed in on the coffee table and made a dash to the phone, attempting to at dry her shorts with the edge of her sweater.

"Hello?" she answered the phone, sounding a bit flustered.

"Hello, Claire," Marcus' voice floated down the line, immediately capturing all of her attention. All of her worries from the previous night melted away; just hearing him made her stomach flutter with butterflies.

"Hi," she stuttered, caught off guard. She didn't expect him to call her so soon, not that she was complaining.

"It's good to hear your voice, tesoro" he chuckled at her shyness. "I'm hoping I didn't catch you at a bad time?"

"No, no, not at all," she responded frantically. "I don't have any plans today."

"Hmm then perhaps you'd like some?" he teased. "I'd like to see you again; would you like to join me tonight at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma?"

After spending his night reading, indulging himself romantic stories he tended to avoid, he had taken to harassing their human receptionist about ideas for a date. After getting over her initial shock, she helped him brainstorm. He decided something cultural would be something she'd enjoy.

"I'd love to," he could hear her smile in her voice.

"I'll pick you up at 6."

"That would be lovely. Thank you so much, Marcus," she gave him her address and after a reluctant goodbye from both parties, she hung up. After a moment of breathless silence, she squealed, leaping from her seat and dancing around the room like an overexcited teenager. She couldn't help it, just the thought of spending more time with Marcus made her feel giddy.


While his brother, Marcus, was busy calling his newly discovered mate, Aro was sitting across from Caius in his office, nervously tapping his fingers on his wooden desk. He couldn't rid the image of Claire's exquisite face from his mind. He was very glad his brother couldn't read his thoughts. The only one he could talk to about his dilemma was Caius, even if he wasn't the most understanding soul.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Caius teased, smirking at his brother.

Aro simply scowled at him, huffing under his breath and standing from his seat.

"It's about Marcus," he started.

"Ah yes. Lucky bastard finding his one," Caius grumbled. He may come across as the most ruthless of the kings, but it really was all for show. They couldn't afford to seem weak. He was really just protective and loyal to a fault, and his desire to have a partner by his side sometimes ate away at him. Though he'd never let his brothers know, he didn't need them to know he was going soft.

"Yes. Claire. I feel we should be introduced to her as soon as possible, she will be spending forever with us after all." Despite his happiness for his brother, he could not shake the deep feeling of jealousy. He wanted to see her in person, he wanted to know if his brother's memory did her justice. He was unexplainably drawn to her already; her scent from Marcus' mind had been haunting him all night.

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