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I was sitting in my room just writing some journals and filling slam books of many people as we always exchange it every weekend and return it on Mondays. I was writing my last page of journal when i heard a knock on the door. "Come in~~" " Hiiii Jendukie sup?" i asked i was surprised to see her in my was unexpected but whatever.

Jennie's POV

" Hiiii Jendukie sup?" she asked me and tbh she looked really surprised i could see she didnt expect me so i asked " Yahh hubby didnt u expect me....wait am i no more your fav sister?" i asked showing fake tears "haha unnie u still are my fav what are u saying !! and i was just surprised cause...." she said haha she looks so nervous lets tease her "cause of what rosie posie....ahhh i am sooo hurt" haha she looked more nervous "sorry unnie i wasjustsofocusedonwrittingmyjournelineverrealizedthatuwouldcomeiamsoosoosoosorryiknowuarehurtbutplzzzforgivemeiknowiwaswron-" i cutted her off like i was soo shocked she raps better than me!!" Yahh rosie how did u rap so well" i asked "what rap unnie i am not rapping i was apologizing" "yeah yeah whatever i am soo bored lets do something" "ohh yahh me too i was just writing some things but now i am also done !!" she said "ok umm lets go to the pool we can swim" i said " Ok' she simply answered with that we both ran downstairs towards the pool......and as we reached we took our swimsuits and changed 



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                                                                                 AFTER A WHILE AT NIGHT

Rose's POV

we were now relaxing in the dining room and i was scrolling through insta when i randomly asked unnie "Unnie lets click a selfie" "sure" she said

we were now relaxing in the dining room and i was scrolling through insta when i randomly asked unnie "Unnie lets click a selfie" "sure" she said

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"One snapchat also plz" unnie requested and i gladly agreed

We took many selfies and then we were chatting but we didnt realize that it was already 11 at night and without our notice we slept on the couch

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We took many selfies and then we were chatting but we didnt realize that it was already 11 at night and without our notice we slept on the couch......

                                                                                 NEXT MORNING

I woke up at saw 2 faces veryyyy close to my face and i screamed "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" 

Lisa's POV

We were in school till late night yesterday as Jisoo unnie had to visit library and i was in the dance room and we didnt notice when time passed so we decided to have a sleepover at my boyfriend Bam Bam's dorm as it was too late for us to go home. yeah u are right he lives in a hostel bcz he has practice early in the morning for football......we went to his dorm and asked him if we could stay and he gladly let me and unnie inn.

Before being my bf BamBam was my bestfriend just like eonwoo he is also our all time bff but he is little more close to rose they are just like siblings but whatever i dated BamBam just like that and he knows that very well i guess so we have never done anything Just kissed thats normal right......before i could think more i felt my eyelids were getting heavy and i slept......                           "Yahh lisa wake up we have to go home" i knew by the voice that is was Jisoo unnie "2more mins plzzz" "NO LISA WE HAVE GET HOME EARLY AND GET READY FOR SCHOOL" "what home? where are we" i opened my eyes confused thinking where i was until i remembered what happened last night then i saw unnie's face she looked FuRiOuS......"ok ok i am awake ""GOOD NOW COME FAST"......after a while we were ready to leave and soon we bid Bammy our goodbyes and thanked him.....we were in unnie's car (yeah she has one as she is the oldest) and we were near our place i wonder what jennie unnie and rosie do last night i hope they didnt fight duh!!! 

Soon we arrived home and we saw rose and jennie unnie sleeping very peacfully and we both went near her face when suddenly"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" She Screamed R.I.P my ears "what is wrong with u its us stop screaming""sorry!!!" " JENNIE WAKE UP WE ARE LATE GO GET READY FOR SCHOOL" "yeah unnie"

                                                                                       LATER AT SCHOOL 


"THIS IS FREAKING BORING" This was  Jennie unnie and she is right we are at our craft class which is really boring AF " Can we plz bunk plzplzplzplz" "NO lisa no matter how boring this is stay here" " But Jisoo unnie this is useless" "i agree with lisa" "Me too" i said and finally Jisoo unnie said agreed....." So where are we gonna go" i asked " Hmm lets go to the biology lab even teachers dont like to go there so it will be safe" said Jennie unnie, she always know the best places for a bunk!! " Fine lets go there" I said....on the way we saw 7 boys going with a lot of attitude i think they are BTS these guys are popular but not all of them are playboys and even if they are they are too innocent as i was thinking 1 boy out of all  caught my eye they were standing so i was able to see the name tag was Jim- Jimin ok so it was Park Jimin....whatever " We are here lets sit" Lisa said "what are we gonna do here if u wanna bunk then lets just go somewhere outside the school" jisoo unnie said "Hmm she has a point but then jennie unnie looked at me and gave me a smirk and and gave her a smirk too with a nod "GUYS.LETS.PLAY.TRUTH.OR.DARE." I said and jennie unnie smirk became EVIL so did mine cause we both have the best questions to ask and worst dares to give

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