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Jimin's POV

Its been a month since rose was hospitalized since then we lost touch ,though she came to school everyday but she spend almost all her time with the phycologist here, her life is also getting back to  normal but tbh i am still worried about her. Rose and i really didnt talk much after the hospital day  but i saw her everyday i also saw the pain on her face when she saw chanyeol hitting almost every other girl i felt.....bad. But somehow i started to spend much more time with my friends and we are getting more close each day......

Rose's POV

My life has been disturbed ever since my heartbreak it really affected me alot not just my feelings but my mental state also i trusted that man more than myself and all he did was cheat on me with so many girls that to behind my back.

Nevertheless i have started to feel better with time but i still cant get over him it still breaks my heart seeing him with other women but all i can do is see them....


Its been almost 2 months now and my therapy is gonna come to an end because of my quick progress.....yes! i have become alot more better bcz i have had my sisters and Jimin by my side jimin has been a great friend to me...he always comforts me when i am sad,angry,crying in every situation, he is there for me. He takes me to alot of places these days and we are going to an amusement park life is getting alot more better.

"Rosieee come dinner is ready" jennie unnie said "Ok cominggg" i said "ok jimin call u back i am going to have dinner bye good night!" i said and ended the call "Uhmm u have been talking to jimin alot these days huh!" Jisoo unnie said as i kept my phone on the table "yeahh i mean i just feel good when i talk to him or be with him e just makes me forget about all my pain and worries i feel like i am in a different happy world with him" i said and jisoo unnie nodded "Do u like him?" i almost chocked listening to lisa's direct question "WHAT!??" i yelled "no really" she said "Lets just eat guys the food is sooooooo delicious" i said trying to ignore the question "DONT IGNORE THIS ROSE THIS IS SERIOUS" lisa yelled making all of us flinch "Stop all this was chanyeol not enough that now u are into jimin?" she said "I didnt say i like him!" i said and she scoffed "Fine then u sure u dont like him ?" lisa asked and i tried to escape eye contact "LOOK INTO MY EYES AND SNSWER ME PARK CHAEYOUNG " lisa furiously yelled "FINE I LIKE HIM" i finally confessed them "I REALLY DO, I TRUST HIM HE IS NOT LIKE CHANYEOL HE GENUINLY LIKES ME AND U KNOW IT ALL STARTED FROM THAT STUPID GAME OF TRUTH AND DARE THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME I NOTICED HIM AND THOUGHT TO MAKE HIM MY TARGET BUT NOW I AM ACTUALLY FALLING FOR HIM AND I CAN REALLY NOT CONTROL IT" i threw it all out "BUT I DONT TRUST HIM" she said back "I do look lisa i know u are worried but.....when it comes to him i think we can trust him i saw the concern in his eyes when we were in hospital he really cares for rose" jennie and jisoo unnie said making me nod "I just dont know guys rose i am sorry for all this i am just very worried that jimin will also break your heart which i absolutely dont want i dont want him to break u and make u suffer like before....." lisa said and i hugged her 

"So are u gonna confess him" jennie unnie asked "maybe i will tomorrow when we go to the amusement park" i said "yay i am sooo excited" we all jumped "GO ROSIEEEEEE U CAN DO ITTTTTTT" They cheered for me and i lughed

Lets see what happens tomorrow i am really nervous



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