Why am thinking about him

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Rose's POV

I was on my way home and i had earphones on my ear as i like  listening to music....later when i arrived the house i saw it was evening and my sisters were not there in the kitchen or living room so i thought they might be in their room so i went to check and i was right they were...DRESSING UP!?? "hey jen why u dressing up" i asked "ohh rosie posie we are going to a party  and u have to join us it is hosted by our bffs TWICE so go get dressed" she said ordering me "okk" i agreed 


i was ready and my dress looked breath taking and so did my sisters...WE ALWAYS ROCK


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and we left


"He chaeyoung! hey Sana" i greeted them "he Ms. Gorgeous" said sana "Hi rose u look stunning" chaeyoung said "thanks blackpink and twice ALWAYS slayy" "agreed" the 2 squealed and then we 3 were chatting when mina and jeongyeon joined us "hey girls chilling without us"  jeongyeon said "ahh no come sit" we 3 said "Guys the party is great though" i said "thanks" mina said "we all put in some efforts for the party" chaeyoung said "haha yupp and tbh it was kinda easy we were 9 people" Sana said and we laughed "Yah!! in your dreams me, Naeyon  and  jeongyeon took a lot of time dacorating" Mina said and we all laughed later all of the girls joined us and we chatted a lot..."hey are the boys coming?" Sana asked and dahyun said "yeah Naeyon unnie did u call everyone " "YES GIRLS I DID AND I THINK BY EVERYONE U MEAN BOYS" naeyon unnie said "hahaha" we laughed together then i went to take some drinks where in the way i saw red velvet "Hey joy, hey irene,, hi seulgi ,sup wendy and yeri " i said and they greeted back "long time no see" i said "yeah we have been little busy these days" yeri said "in what courting boys" seulgi said laughing "duh!! whatever" Irene said "Hahaha but tbh we have not been in a SERIOUS relationship for a long time" Joy exclaimed and we agreed then we had a good long talk when i again made my way to the drinks counter "2 soju plz" i said "ok maam coming right up"he answered but then i felt someone sit beside me but i didnt bother to look as i was busy in  scrolling through insta....but then the waiter said "Here maam your drink" andi took it and i was looking here and there enjoying my drink when i was shocked to see Jimin beside me and i dont think he saw me either so i decided not to do anything but then i saw my drink finished and i was about to ask the waiter he said "plz take the soju" and  silly me thinking it was mine i was about to take it when a hand brushed over mine "i-i am sooo sorry" "ahh its ok" but then we saw eachothers face and he started to BLUSH 😂 aww he looks damn cute "uhm hey j-jimin" i said "h-hi Rose , i am sorry for u know-" i cutted him off by saying 'ahh its absolutely ok dont worry"       "um go forward take it" he said showing a very kind gesture "no no no no i aldready had one so this might be yours plz go ahead" i said "Umm guys here the second glass of soju sorry for the delay" the waiter said and jimin said its fine but i gave him a glare  but then we were having a very good time when my unnie came to me.."Ohh hey jen" i said "hii where were u lost!?" she asked but then jimin cutted us off by saying "plz excuse me" and then he bowed to me and i bowed back but then i saw jen looking at me very weirdly "What??" "ARE U OK " she asked putting her hand on my forehead seeing if i have fever like duh! "why?" i asked very strangely "U were talking to a guy sweetly " she said "haha oh him yeah we are kinda becoming friends " "oh really, wait are u gonna play on him or are u completing your dare?" she asked excitedly " oh c'mon i am dating chan aldready "ugh yeah that, rose why dont u leave him he looks kinda weird" "no unnie he is damn innocent not like us" i said "ohh really then why on earth is he flirting with Lia " she said "wait what" "dont believe then look there" she pointed towards chanyeol trying to flirt while lia trying to leave she literally looked very angry and i immediately went to him "uhm.." "R-ROSE!??" chanyeol looked at me veryyy shocked "sorry lia for his behavior " i said as we are good friends and she smilled at me and went to her friends while i was still angry "what were u doing with her?" i asked "uh um she was f-flirting with me i-i t-told her t-to leave but she d-dint listen to me" he said STUTTERING "oh really look chan u have been behaving strangely do even want this relationship ANYMORE? " "babe what are u talking about u are everything to me " "huh fine just this time" i unwantedly said as i didnt wanna break it and my trust yet!! but i felt sad very sad although i could easily find another guy and it also shouldnt be that hard for me and i dont think being sad is what a PLAYGIRL DOES so i thought even i can go flirt with other guys but i dropped that idea as i was not in the mood but then chan came towards me and said "rose i am so sorry for what u saw i swear it was a misunderstanding.." i knew he was lying but then i let go "its ok, i know" and i saw him smiling again "lets stay at my house tonight come!!" he said "huh w-what i mean are u sure" i said "oh c'mon babe u have stayed at my place for a lott of times and dont make an excuse that u dont have extra clothes as u have almost half of your clothes there" though he was right i have stayed there manyyy times  that i even have some of my clothes  there so i agreed and told my unnies also they didnt wanna agree but then they just let me go but when i was about to leave i saw jimin right infront of me talking to someone and as he saw me and chan he came towards us "ahh hii "Jimin said "hii  " i said and chan looked at me confused "ohh um Jimin this is my boyfriend chanyeol and chan this is my....umm....F-friend " i said and stuterred a bit " oh yeah hey bro nice to see u..u might know me" chan said "uhh yeah who does not know u, YOU are the lucky one to be rose's bf the schools most popular girl" Jimin said and he deepened the word 'YOU' idk why but i didnt see much to it "haha" chan chuckled and then we bowed to eachother and bid goodbye

Hi guys i am your auther usually i dont write much after the story and probably this is the first time i hope u guys are liking it also i wanted to say that the next chp is VERY special so i hope u look up to it and i also wanna announce my few more books u might LOVE their names are..

HOT AND COLD (jirose)

THE ROAD (jirose)

CATCH ME (jirose)


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