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Rose's POV

I returned back home and i was relieved that chanyeol wasnt lying i am such an idiot to doubt him thinking alllll of this i decided to take a bath when jisoo unnie came to my room "chae" she said "yes unnie " "sup where have u been last night??" she asked curiously but i know she is being protective Jisoo unnie has always been like a mother more than a sister to us she is possessive about us and she cares ALOT about us...."TELL!!" she said again "Oh i was at chan's house" "that jerk bf of your " Lisa said from behind munching some chocolate leaning on my cupboard  "yah!!! he is not a jerk stop calling him that" "AS IF!!" she replied "hey!he is very innocent plus is the sweetest guy i know" i said being defensive "INNOCENT MY ASS" jennie unnie yelled "C'mon girls why do u hate him so much" i said with a disappointed face  "Look rose we just think good for u and we dont hate him its just that we dont think he is that innocent as u think cause we have caught him flirting many times" Jisoo unnie said caressing my shoulder and i sighed "look rose we are ok with him as far as he is nice to u and cares about u its just we are scared that he doesnt break your heart although we have broken alot but almost everyone on the campus knows we are playgirls so they are aware plus we break their heart in a day or 2 but u and chanyeol have been together since ages and the trust that u have for him is just..." Lisa said "Look the point is i hope he doesnt dare to break u but if he does TELL ME ILL KICK HIS As-" jennie unnie was about to finish when jisoo unnie interrupted her "LANGUAGE JENNIE" she said VERY angrily "yahh fine" jennie unnie said and me and lisa were laughing soon enough i pulled the 3 in a hug "I LOVE U GUYS " i said "WE LOVE U TOOOO" they said but then jen unnie said "Yahh!! go take a shower u stink" she said laughing "hey i dont STINK i have already took a bath its just i wanna relax my mind " "yeah yeah whatever ohh btw we are going to the club tonight and u are coming~~" lisa said "but-" "SHUT UP~~~" she cutted me off "Ok fine" i said and rolled my eyes "I AM HUNGRY~~" liz said "Like seriously u are eating" jisoo unnie said looking her a weird face..."But plzz unnie" with that they kept on chit chatting while leaving the room...

-----after a while---------

'ahh the shower is always the best to relax my mind' i thought and was about to go dry my hair when a diary caught my was keept on my desk and it was chan's  but i decided to read it tonight so i went to get ready..

As i went out i saw jennie in front of my room i guess she was about to knock and we suddenly laughed meanwhile jisoo and lisa also came out of their room and they all look PERFECT

As i went out i saw jennie in front of my room i guess she was about to knock and we suddenly laughed meanwhile jisoo and lisa also came out of their room and they all look PERFECT

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Their outfits and hair do

"LETS GO!!!" jen said and with that we went to the car and soon arrived the most crowded bar of Seoul

And as we went in we parted ways lisa went to the dance floor, Jisoo unnie at the sitting lounge and jennie unnie with duh!! BOYS .... and i went to the bar...i ordered a red wine and started scrolling Instagram when the bar tender said "here maam your drink" and i gladly took it and drank it slowly when i saw someone familliar although the face wasnt clear but he looked veryy familiar and she curiously went behind him and found him making out with 2 girl at the same time and not only that his hands were slowly going under one's dress and on the other girl's  hips  moving freely when she decided to speak something and left   damn it they should get a room and i was about to leave when they turned and i was shocked to see CHANYEOL.....i was frozen there and he was also shocked to see me...and he let go off the girl "bab-" his words were cutted of when that same girl who left came and said i booked the vvip room lets go i am always excited to do this although we almost do it everyday but still" she said going near his earlobe and slightly licked it when he pushed the girl and whispered her something and the girl noded, and left again with the second chic he was making out and my tears were continuesly flowing "Rose i-" i cutted him off "yes! what owhh is this also a misunderstanding owhh how stupid of me to trust your filthy excuses and trust u" "look-" "Why did u cheat on me chanyeol was i not enough..." i said tears flooding through my eyes to my cheeks i was a TOTAL mess..." I am sorry rose but its just i never loved u i cant take it anymore look i just got with u bcz u were-" he was about finish when i filled the blank "POPULAR!!? u know thats why we are playgirls cause we can NEVER trust u guys bcz u are always jerks.." "I am sorry but lets end this i dont need u anymore" he said "U DONT NEED ME...I AM NOT A THING WHAT U USE A DAY AND AFTER THE WORK IS DONE U JUST SIMPLY THROW IT OUT " i said " I am so sorry...but i have to go now bye take care" and with that he left to the vip room which his girl booked my heart sank by seeing how selfish he was and how stupid was i to never even notice my unnies were right i wish i listened to them....after the break down i simply went to the bar and had as many drinks as i could...when i heard a familiar voice "Rose!? what are u doing here"  and then when i saw him i was sure he was "JIMINNNNNNNNN~~" 

Jimin's POV

I was at the club with my huyngs and they were totally making out Jungkook dancing/flirting with a girl, V was kissing a girl and jin huyng talking to some girl and blushing HARD so i decided to go at the bar and then i saw her...Rose!! she was totally wasted and i could see her drinking a soju while looking blankly when i went to her  "Rose!? what are u doing here" i asked worried "JIMINNNNNNNNN~~" she whined  "A-are u ok??" i asked "i am not so ffineeeeeeeeeee (hicups)"

Ohh god she needs to get home but why did she say she is not fine but WHATEVER "rose-ah come u need to go home" he said "Nooo i will never leave my baby" she said making a puppy face referring to the soju bottles as her baby "fine if u dont agree ill have to do it this way" i said and carried her in bridal style and surprisingly she put her hand around my neck getting very close to my face and now we were inches apart how i wish u were mine but u are that jerks girlfriend thinking all of it i decided to take her home but i didnt know the address so i went up to look for her unnies and luckily i found jisoo unnie and she was..talking with jin hyung " J-Jisoo kim!" i asked "yes?" they looked at me surprised and then she was shoced to see chaeyoung "HEY WHY ARE U HOLDING MY SISTER LIKE THAT?" she asked or actually yelled furiously "um actually she is very drunk i need to take her home" i said "WHAT NO ILL TAKE HER" but as she was about to take her jin hyung held her wrist and said "Wait jisoo he is my friend actually more like a brother to me u can trust  him he is a very good guy and he can take good care of  her " and jisoo looked as if she wanted to deny but nodded "Fine but dare u do something wrong " she warned me "i wont trust me" with that she messaged me her address and i left rose was blabbering all along the way and i just chuckled at her cuteness she is rude in front of everyone and very bold but this side of her is the real side which  she never shows everyone soon we arrive her house and i was sure in a sight which is her room as were different floors first floor had Jisoo and lisa's room and second floor had Jennie and Rose they had their name signs on their door room

LIKE THIS was on first room which is lisa's 

same was on everyone's room and i quickly went inside her room her room is so pretty

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same was on everyone's room and i quickly went inside her room her room is so pretty

i laid her on the bed and she was NOT even leaving me so i decided to wait for her to sleep and soon she slept hugging my hand before sleeping she was sobbing and saying i hate him and how could he do that to me but i was not sure who she was talk...

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i laid her on the bed and she was NOT even leaving me so i decided to wait for her to sleep and soon she slept hugging my hand before sleeping she was sobbing and saying i hate him and how could he do that to me but i was not sure who she was talking about but when i heard soft snores i decided to leave and i placed a soft kiss on her forehead.....i was about to leave when  i saw a diary on her desk i didnt want to but my hands automatically opened it and i was SHOCKED to see whos diary it was and what all was written in it, i read 4-5 pages when i started to feel guilty for rose..and without wasting more time i left... 

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