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I woke up feeling dizzy so i went to the bathroom to take a bath and do my morning routine 

I dont remember anything from last night all i know is i was drinking uncontrollably and later  i was holding something worm and it felt comfortable...

I dont remember anything from last night all i know is i was drinking uncontrollably and later  i was holding something worm and it felt comfortable

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My outfit

I was applying soft makeup and packing some books according to my classes today when i saw the diary 

I was applying soft makeup and packing some books according to my classes today when i saw the diary 

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This is how it looks

I saw the time and it was still early do i went to my chair and started to read his diary first few pages were nice but the fifth page was about me....

27 JUNE 20**

It was my first day of school and i met some bullies they were girls and most popular among the whole school they were mean to me and i hate them though one of them caught my eye her name was ROSE i think i like her but she is way way out of my league so i think ill let go....

29 JUNE 20**

Today i signed in for basketball but they denied as the team was full BUT a friend told me to find that  there is only one way i can get into the team and that is to be POPULAR or date anyone popular and he suggested me BLACKKPINK'S rose she is not innocent but i think i can give it a try not only that if i date her no one can bully me nor can they deny what i want so i can take advantage of everything i want so i think ill try and date her....

20 JULY 20**

 Finally i proposed to rose i have been trying to court for a month now and i thin she will soon fall for and was RIGHT she did agree and now she is officially my gf although i am now interested in someone else....

Skip for a few pages

3 august 20**

I am finally with my love or maybe temporary love Jeon Heejin we are finally DATING,oh what about rose? She is just something i use not like i use her bcz she is popular and i am so smart that i made her believe that i am very INNOCENT so she will NEVER doubt me heejin and i do alot of nasty and dirty things these days..(if u know what i mean..)

5 August 20**
I am so tired acting with rose i will soon leave her but then what about my advantages I guess more drama wont harm atleast i have  Heejin and club girls for some needs so i dont lack pleasure..

I was not able to read anymore so i closed the diary and left it on the table...tears were not stopping and i felt very dumb as i could never see his real face...

"Rose!~~ come down we will get late" jennie unnie yelled from downstairs but i was not in a good condition to answer "Rose~~" she called me again,and this time also i was busy crying and feeling helpless "ROSE WHY ARENT U ANSWERING ME-" jennie unnie said entering my room but she stopped as she saw me cry "Rosie what happened are u ok" she asked "Yeah unnie i am fine lets g-go" i said and tried to stand up but i was little weak as my head was paining alot bcz of the amount of drinks i took last night 

"Rosie i dont think u are fine what happened...?" unnie asked me and i was about to tell her everything when i felt my head spin faster than ever and i just collapsed...

Jennie's POV

rosie opened her mouth as if she was about to tell me something but she suddenly collapsed "ROSIE" i said worried tears started forming in my eyes "ROSIE WAK UP WHAT HAPPENED" i said but it was not enough so i called jisoo unnie and lisa and they came to her room as fast as they could "WHAT HAPPENE- ROSE!?" jisoo unnie said shocked and lisa ran rose the unconscious body of rose and started crying "What happened unnie?" lisa asked me "i dont know i just came to call rose in her room when i saw her cry Misérably  so i asked her what happened and she was about to ans when she suddenly collapsed" i said sobbing "ok ok dont worry i have called the docter we need to take her to the hospital.." jisoo unnie said so we took her asap


"Doctor how is she" the 3 of us asked in unison "she is ok she was overly stressed and little sick um did she drink last night or today?" he asked "ne.." i said "that's why she drank a little to much and she was really stressed which caused her to collapsed plz be careful it can be harmful beyond our expectations!" he said and left "stress?" lisa said blankly 
"What caused her STRESS and why did she drink so much?" i said blank too "JIMIN" jisoo unnie suddenly said and stood up "unnie what happened?" lisa asked "last night when rose was totally wasted he took her home i need to ask hi EVERYTHIG" she said making me feel fired "HOW DARE HE!" liz said "I swear if he is the reason behind all this is his last day..." I said "LETS GO FIND HIM HE MUST BE IN SCHOOL PROBABLY" jisoo unnie said and we nodded


Jimin's POV

After last night i was little worried about rose and i was getting more worried as she didnt attent school today neither did her sisters so i was not able to get any update about her

Soon the school was over and almost everyone went home but i wanted some fresh air so i stayed in the garden...i was enjoying the breeze so i closed my eyes but suddenlyi felt someone hold my collar which made me flinch and open my eyes "Ms. Jennie kim, ms.lalisa and miss kim jisoo aannyeonghaseyo i said and bowed "WHAT DID U DO TO MY SISTER" jennie yelled at me "w-what did i do?" i asked completely blank "SHUT UP AS IF U DONT KNOW ANYTHING" lisa yelled at my face bursting into tears "I didnt do any-" i was about to finish when lisa cut me off "right u didnt do much u just send her to the hospital" she said which made my eyes widen "WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?IS SHE OK NOW?WHICH HOSPITAL?CAN I MEET HER? TELL ME" i said yelling in sweat "Jimin u took her home last night did u do something that made her stressed?" Jisoo unnie asked politely but anger was visible in her eyes " trust me i will never hurt her i swear plus when i took her home last night she kept mumbling something which were significant as if she was betrayed did something happen at the club or in the past few days?" i asked "We dont know " that was the only think she said "um i think i know" i said and the three shot their heads at me "WHAT?" jennie asked looking impatient "last night when i was in her room i saw a blue diary on her table and unfortunately i read some pages,to my surprise the diary belonged to..." i stopped "BELONGED TO WHOM???" they asked in unison "C-chanyeol and when i read it..." i stoped "it clearly said that he USED rose for popularity and was cheating on her with many other girls but i dont think it is enough i think something happened last night too" i continued "u are righ-" jisoo unnie was about to finish when jennie cut her off "THAT SON OF B***H I WILL KILL HIM" "ME TO HOW DARE HE GIVE MY SISTER SO MUCH STRESS" lisa continued and then jennie's phone rang "I-its rose's c-call" she said looking worried and tears were forming in her eyes "We will go now thanku jimin" jisoo unnie said and they were about to leave when i stopped her "Ms.Kim plz plz plzzz take me to chaeyoung i-i wanna see her" i said "Ok-" "NO!" lisa cutted jennie of "why?" jisoo asked "i dont want " she replied "isa i think we can trust him for SOME TIME" she said "its ok liz i understand but i think we might need him there" jennie said and lisa just nodded "come" 


I woke up still feeling a headache and i saw no one was there so i searched for lisa and unnies but they were not there so i decided to call her and she didnt pick up rather left a message saying she will be there soon and some time later they arrived with JIMIN what is he doing here?

Hello guys  hope u all are enjoying the story plz vote and dont forget to leave a comment also go check out my other stories by clicking on my profile if u have not, and i will update every week so stay tuned... LOVE U GUYS BYEEEEEEE

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