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Rose's POV

I woke up when sunlight hit my face directly and idk why but i was not feeling good and then i saw i was not even in my familiar room and then i remembered that i was at chan's  place  so i quickly woke up and rushed to my washroom yup MY i have a separate room at chanyeoul's house so i took a shower and did my morning routine did some makeup..etc

my outfit

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my outfit..👆👆

Then i decided to leave but before that i went to chan's room and before i could enter i heard him talking to someone on call but it seemed weird as he was talking in low voice so i decided to hear "Yes baby i just woke up!!" huh? who is he calling baby "I know...but that bitch is at home!!" BITCH me.."IKR I WISH I DIDNT GET HER BUT U HOME !!" wait what "No baby i had to she almost caught me flirting with lia" "no no no no i wasnt i just wanted to have fun with others other than that bitch i swear if she wasnt popular i would have NEVER been with her" D-DID HE J-JUST S-S-SAY THAT ABOUT M-ME? "Haha yeah she thinks i am Innocent where as i am a better playboy she might have EVER thought" "baby i guess she woke up illl call u later" "bye love u too!!" My tears were constantly rolling down my cheeks but i wiped them and went towards the kitchen to drink water...to calm myself down....but then i saw CHANYEOL "hi honey" he said HoNeY wow "what are u doing" i didnt answer to that either "heyy are u ignoring me?" he asked pouting but little did he know today his cuteness wont work "I dont know" i said and was about to leave when he held my wrist and said "honey what happened" "nothing u tell" i asked and disappointment was visible in my expression "Babe i-" i cutted him off "DONT U DARE CALL ME BABE" i said and this time i broke into tears "Baby what is wrong" "I DONT KNOW U TELL ME I FOUGHT AND DENIED TO MY SISTERS THAT U WILL NEVER BREAK MY HEART AND NEVER CHEAT ON ME I THOUGHT U WERE INNOCENT BUT I WAS WRONG I TOOK SO MANY EFFORTS FOR THIS RELATIONSHIP BUT YOU...." i yelled like there is no tomorrow and fell on my knees within seconds i saw him kneel down beside me and said "baby i am so sorryy but i still dont know what do u mean!!??" he said "oh really then tell me who were u talking to right now why were flirting with my friend lia SHE IS MY JUNIOR Can u think how embarrassing it is for me and where have u been when i ask u for a date with whom do u go when we go back home also that day WHY DID YOUR SHIRT SMELL LIKE LAVENDAR WHY DO U HAVE A HICKEYYYYYYYYYY!! AND WHY DID I HEAR MOANS ON LAST SUNDAY WHEN I CAME TO YOUR HOUSE THANKFULLY I GOT AN URGNT CALL SO I HAD TO LEAVE AND I DIDNT ENTER YOUR ROOM U LIAR U CHEAT WHY WHY DID U BREAK MY TRUST" "baby-" DONT.U.DARE.CALL.ME.THAT." "look its all a misunderstanding and the moans might be something u imagined bcz i was not home that day and then the perfume i went to buy one for u so i had no option but to test it on me i cant come to dates bcz my friends force me to come with them and yesterday i already said lia was the one to flirt what else...um yeah the call right now i was talking about my maid she is such an idiot but popular for the hygiene she has..." "W-what a-about the i-i love you?" i asked " I was speaking to Martha...my sister!!" "ah a-are u still lying to me ??" "No baby i love u the most!!" "ok" with that i hugged him and left i am such a fool to doubt him ohh btw while dressing up i saw his diary might be a secret one so i took it i just got it bcz we keep no secrets i went straight to my house...

Chanyeol's POV

  Damn that was so close....i would have been caught thanks to my brain i thought of the excuses instantly but how did she even notice all that damn was she spying over me and dude thank god she got that call on sunday bcz if she entered the room she would have saw me and Jeon naked...yes Jeon Heejin is my girlfriend and unlike rose we have had 'it' alot of times even in school , or washroom even store rooms i am very used to her body man...but then dont get me wrong i didnt cheat on rose firstly i NEVER liked her i mean yeah i was crushing a bit on her but then her attitude she embarrassed me on my very first day of school...


Chanyeol's POV

It was my first day of school and i was very excited  and i really wanted to make new friends and maybe a new girlfriend too...well first ill find the principle's office "hey miss can u tell me where the principle's office is ?" i asked a girl there and when she turned i fell in love with her just in a sight "HeY A newbie huh!!" a cat eye girl beside her said "aww an innocent new little baby" a girl with bangs said "  "did u say a good bye to your mommy weirdo!?"  a girl beside her said  "oh wait did u cry while saying a goodbye to mommy or plead her not to leave " the girl with bangs said "girls dont bully him...kid go check if your mommy is outside under the tree  she might have promised u " the cat eye girl said "SO SHAMELESS STILL STANDING INFRONT OF US " the girls continued "huh fine girls stop" The one whom i liked said and suddenly girls stopped laughing  "so what do u want?" she asked me "I-i was l-looking f-for t-the p-p-principles of-fice " i said stuttering a lot "Aww newbie stutters tsk tsk tsk so sad" the 3 girls said and laughed hard "girls, he doesnt know who we are let it be and for u the principle's office on 3rd floor right turn" the girl said who tried to help me "t-thanku" i said "huh whatever i helped cause i dont harm strangers unless they dont know us and as u were u new bee u saw my sweet face now from next time remember u wont see this face also fyi you can ask ANYONE who we actually are " with that they left...and i was still crushing on that girl but i decided to forget her as i got to know them wh they are , after few months i wanted to join the basketball team and  seats were unfortunately full when a guy came to me and said "hey!" "hii" i replied "u wanna join the team dont u?" he asked and i nodded looking down with a very dull expression"dont be upset look u can get a seat easily" he said "omo..really" i asked "yupp u just need to be popular and if not find a popular girl on whom every boy can die " "how will i do that?" i asked "but then he was thinking when he shot his head up and said BLACKPINK " "huh" "look there they are " he said and pointed those dangerous girls "look those girls are the only way u can get in the team and not only here u will also be considered as a popular one just bcz of her" he said "c'mon what makes u think I CAN COURT HER" i asked "look if u want the most luxurious life of school years then dont leave her until then  also the 3 girls are not so ok for u u can try courting rose she might not be innocents but her and jennie are BEST PLAYGIRLS ALIVE actually rose is better so she might hangout with u but u need to grab that chance to finally be in a relationship with her" he said  "fine ill see what i can do" from that day on it took me almost a year to finally be able to be with rose and its been 2 years already even thogh i DONT love her bcz she can flirt witth boys even though she never does but still i am no more interested in her as i got what i wanted bcz of her so she is useless for me now and soon i will break up with her  


The girl chanyeol liked in first sight is ROSE

The cat eye girl is JENNIE

The girl with bangs is LISA

A girl beside her is JISOO

just in case....

Also the next chapter is little cheesy u might like it as it has alot of jirose and jennie will complete her dare too maybe and what about lisa and jisoo well be updated to find out

Playgirl's Dare Jirose ff (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now