introducing me

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  • Dedicated to Jessica

My name is Lilly; I am 16 and live with my best friend Jessica. When I was 14 my parents we taken away from me, they were in a terrible car accident and because of that I was put in to foster care, that is until Jessica’s parents adopted me… its been hard these past couple of years but I have made it through with the help of Jess and others my life is beginning to get back on track.

Jessica is obsessed with One Direction, I have no idea why I mean it’s a group of boys that sing, heaps of boys sing so what makes them so special? The point is I have to listen to them 24/7!!!

Anyway, I’m having the worst day ever and Jess comes home all excited. I don’t want her to know I am upset, its not fair I feel like every time I’m upset she puts her life on hold and for once I want to make this about her.. “Why so excited?” I say.

“no reason…” she replies, ‘I’m just about to walk away when she jumps on my back and says.. “ other then the fact that I got us One Direction tickets, for tonight’s show!!! “

“yay!” I tried to sound happy about it, but after the day I’d just had, going to see One Direction was last thing I wanted to do! It must of worked because she was still jumping around in circles screaming at the top of her lungs, that all stopped when I said, “ so… I have heard them sing but I have no idea who is who or what they look like…” her jaw dropped and she said, “ you, you ,you, ok well in that case only time will tell!” then she pushed me out of her room and closed the door behind me. I slowly walked into my room and got ready for what I thought was going to be a very, very long night.

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