your in my house!!!

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Its been 3 weeks, and I have not seen the boys since that day, well I say that but I have seen Louis, him and jess are like a ‘thing’ now… he always tries to talk me into coming and seeing the boys and tells me that Niall wishes things hadn’t of happened the way they had, he tells me that Niall is in love with me.. Niall of all people, He doesn’t even know me… but I guess I like him too. I know I cant go back, not after all of that, so I tell Louis to leave me alone. I can honestly say that the only time I come out of my room is to get food, because I have an on suit and even then I make sure no one is around.  Tanya is really worried and Jess too, but her worries seem to fade when she is around the boys. I know she cares and she really is worried but she has Louis now, and for once she is happy, I cant get in the way of that… again.

When I finally decide to get up, I look at my clock, its 9 O’ clock, im feeling really hungry but I know Tanya is down stairs, so I grab my phone to text Jess and ask her to keep Tanya away from the kitchen, I have not looked at my phone since that day, the day with One Direction, the day my life once again changed, when I turn it on I am surprised to see 41 missed calls from Niall’s phone! 41? Really Niall? I also had a couple from the rest of the boys, Harry had texted me saying he was sorry about what had happened, and Niall had texted me saying he wanted t see me, and make sure everything was okay.

I texted jess, and when I was sure the coast was clear I ran down stairs to grab some toast. Just as it was done I felt a breathe on my neck, I turned around to see Niall, “ what.. what are you doing here? How did you get in my house?”

“Jess..” he said “ she told me that you were out of your room, and I had to see you.”

“Niall, how did you get here?” I knew this was a bad question, but it was all I could think about,

he had this look on his face that was telling me he didn’t want me to know, but then he let it out..

“ Emilee..” he trailed off,

“Emilee!!” I screamed, she knows where I live!

“Lilly everyone knows where you live! We have been here many times, to pick up and drop off Lou, to see if you were ok, Lil we have all been worried sick!”

I could see he was getting upset and grabbed onto him, I pulled him close, with my arms around my neck and his arms around my waist, I lent my head on his chest and began to cry.

“Don’t cry Lil, its ok, its all ok.”

I looked up to him, he nodded and said, “let me take you out, go and get dressed and ill let Emilee know we need dropping of at the hotel, you can come and see everyone and then we will go out just us too, how does that sound?”

At first I was a little worried about being in a car with Emilee then I remembered what he had said about everything being ok, “sure” I said, he pulled me closer and kissed me softly, “ I have missed you” he said

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