Get off me Zayn/ the best kiss ever!

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I followed Niall out to a kitchen area, where all of the boys were sat joining them was the 3 girls, Jess and Milly. “Breakfast?” Liam asked me..

“no thanks, I don’t eat breakfast..” I didn’t like to admit it but it was true, then Louis joined the conversation, “you have to eat breakfast, it’s the most important meal of the day!” and after him followed Zayn, “Come on Lilly, if your going to be staying with us then you need to eat, we don’t want you dying on our watch!” I know he was joking but that one comment brought back so many memories, of my parents, of the last few years and I tried to force a smile but I couldn’t, I ended up bursting into tears.

i felt so bad crying in front of the boys, and when Zayn saw me crying he looked  he was about to cry too, I stopped crying for his sake, I had only known the boy 12 hours and I have already upset him, “im sorry” I say and give him a quick hug, that is until Sam, his girlfriend gets up and kisses him..

I walk over to the toast, I want to make the boys happy.

As I sat down, Louis and Jess stand up and walk away, they are holding hands and I cant help but to feel worried, I wait 5 minutes then stand up and make it out as if im going to the toilet, I slowly walk around the corner and then remember I have no idea what room they are in, juat as im about to open a door a hand stops it from revealing what is behind it. I look up to see Zayn standing besides me “Lost?” he asks

“um yes, im just looking for..”

“ me?” I have no idea what he is on about but im beginning to get a bit scared..

“ come on Lilly, we all know you want me!”

“want you!” I yell “ up until 12 hours ago I didn’t even know you!”

“Don’t give me that baby” he leans in a tries to kiss me, I try to pull back but it is no use im trapped between him and the door and the next thing I know he is pushing his lips against mine, I am unable to move.  “ what the hell is going on!” finally I  managed to push Zayn away and I saw  Harry standing there, Fists clenched, I was shaking so bad, I wanted to go home.

“leave her alone” you once again hear Harry, he sounds angry, Zayn backs off and walks away, “I suggest you stay away from her, you don’t want Sam hearing about this do you?” Zayn carries on walking and I was  left in the corner shaking, Harry came up to me and placed his hand on my shoulder, 1 began to cry “Harry I thought..” i stopped, I don’t want to worry him..

“Thought what?”

“Nothing” I told him, but he could see it was not nothing,  “Lilly!”

“Harry, the way he was acting he was scaring me, he wouldn’t let me move I thought he was going to hurt me, it felt that way and now..” I  began to cry harder, “Lilly what’s wrong,  you have been acting weirdly..”

“weirdly” you snap, whose to say this is weird, you don’t even know me Harry !..” I stopped because I could see him getting upset “I’m sorry Harry, its just I was scared, I didn’t know what to do…”

“ I wasn’t talking about now” he explained “im talking about this morning with what Zayn said..”

I told Harry about my parents, I knew it wouldn’t help but it felt good to get it off my chest, I don’t know what happened but after a few minutes, he was sat on the floor beside me and we had our lips pushed against each others, it was the best feeling I had had in years.

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