im a tommo!

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“LOUIS” I almost scream it, I hold up my arms and he almost jumps on me.

He gives me the biggest hug ever!

All this time I have been with my brother and I hadn’t even noticed it.

“ Cant…. Breath…. Lou” I was panting

he finally let me go, we were both crying, at that moment everyone came and jumped on the bed, we all sat hugging and talking for hours.

Years went by and we all became a family, Emilee was arrested.

Jess got pregnant.

Sam, Jaz and I all became very close.

And as for me and Niall, we settled down, got married and now have a child of our own, her name is Elizabeth, Lilly for short, still to this day she asks me to tell her the story of how I met her father and this story is exactly what I tell her, life with one direction has been amazing, it is just a shame it had to start so late! But if it hadn’t of happened then I would never of had this amazing story to tell, I wouldn’t know Jess, and I wouldn’t of bumped into Niall at the concert, I guess you just have to wait for the moments to pass, because even when there is a bad one, like your parents dieing in a car accident, or being stabbed by one of your friends girlfriends there will always be the good ones that over come them, like meeting one direction and becoming a family, I guess you just have to wait it out, because there is good in everything.

My name is Charlie, or Lottie, Short for charlotte, and this is my unexpected turn around.

An Uncexpected Turn Around (1D)Where stories live. Discover now