the guy with the irish accent

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As we pulled up to the Arena, I had my head phones in and I was listening to my usual play list that consisted of The Script, Kelly Clarkson and Pink, I took out my headphones and took a look at Jess, she was literally shining, she was bouncing up and down as if she was about to explode. I could not understand her excitement we were going to stand in a crowed of screaming girls, and by the looks of it most of them were around the age of 13, what’s so exciting about that?

When we pulled the car over, Jess jumped out of the car whilst I slowly opened the door braising myself the load screams that lay ahead. I got out the car and said goodbye to Tanya.( Jessica’s mum) then we began to walk to the front door of the arena.

When we got to the door, the screams started, we were standing in a big queue and Jess got the tickets out of her bag. “ This is it” she said “this is it”. I was sure she was talking to herself but just to be on the safe side, I nodded and managed a little smile.

A tall man stood guarding the door, he asked how we were and if we were excited all I could say was   “ hmmm”  I really didn’t want to be there but it was all for Jess, and as long as she was happy then I couldn’t complain.  We handed him our tickets and he checked our bags for knives and guns.  After inspecting our belongings we were aloud to pass through the gates.

We walked in to a massive room filled with millions of girls and a few boys!! What was the big deal with this band? I mean all they are famous for is standing there and singing what makes you beautiful I could do that and not be famous, I quietly sing that line; see I’m not famous I can’t help but to let the smile spread across my face. “I told you, you would be excited.”  I hear Jess say, “yeh maybe I am a little..” I manage to lie with out her noticing… we were both getting hungry and we pushed our way through the crowed to the taco bar on the other side of the big room.

I was walking, then I was on the floor. I had hit my head as I had fallen and the things in my bag had gone flying, there was no sign of Jess, as I struggled to get up a hand was flung at me, and almost hit me in the face, ,I noticed it was a guys hand, the guy had blondish hair and braces, he was also wearing sunglasses. SUNGLASSES? Why was he wearing sunglasses? “take it, its just a hand” he said, I took his hand and he helped me up, “sorry he said, I was rushing and was not looking where I was going, I was trying to get to the…” I cut him off, “its fine, have you seen the girl I was with?” I was still looking around. “take it easy” he said, “my friend is with her” I felt so bad I had fallen over and now my (practically) sister had gone of with this guys friend.. “look I really need to..” this time he cut me off, “I know where they have gone,” he said “ill take you too them” I didn’t want to walk off with this stranger, but he still had hold of my hand, we both started to walk to a big black door.

“so, Lilly?” he said

“how did you?” once again he cut me off,

“I saw the ticket when it came out of your bag, your name is Lilly right?”

“yes it is and you are?”

“ you honestly don’t know?” it took me a while but I finally realised he had an Irish accent, it was kind of cute, but I didn’t want to pay too much attention to it, I was concentrating on finding my sister! “no!” I managed to blurt out. We stopped right outside the door, and I saw a sign that read stage door, “we cant go in there!” I was supposed to shout it but It came out as a whimper.

“you really don’t know who I am, do you?” he asked me

“no, are you going to tell me?” he didn’t reply instead he just opened the door and we both walked in.

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