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I was very surprised that we had managed to walk through the doors, let alone around backstage without anyone stopping us. I realised he still had hold of my hand and I pulled away, “you don’t like that?” he asked,

“I DON’T KNOW YOU!” I shout, everyone goes silent, I looked around and saw the guy giggling and everyone giving me looks as if you say did she really just say that, there was something about this guy

that seemed familiar I just couldn’t put my finger on it. “don’t worry about it guys” the guy said, the everyone went back to what they were doing, he took of his sunglasses and he had beautiful blue eyes. I must have been staring into them because there was a click of a finger and I turned to see Jess. She was standing hand in hand with another guy, she was shaking. “really jess you have been doing that since we got in the car to get here, you want to watch the show then we need to go and take our seats before these mystery boys start and we miss…” she cut me off, why was everyone cutting my off today “ Lilly I don’t want you to panic but..”  

“WHAT DID YOU DO NOW!?!?!?” I had almost forgotten the two boys standing next to us, it was only because three other boys took our side, they were standing with some other girls, “look” I say, “its been really nice meeting you boys but my friend and I really need to go, she dragged me to this concert and I really don’t want her to miss seeing her hero’s now do i?” I grabbed Jess’s hand and pulled her.

One of the girls, who had short brow curly hair (which was quite ironic considering she was holding the hand of a guy with brow curly hair) stopped me as she giggled. “do you know who these boys are?” everyone was looking as if they were trying not to laugh, what was so funny? “No I don’t! do you?” at this they all started to laugh, the Irish guy looked at me and said “Lilly, my name is Niall, this is Harry, Zayn, Louis and Liam, we are one direction” I looked at Niall and realised why he looked familiar, I had seen him on a magazine a few days ago, I felt like such an idiot. Here I was standing in front of the biggest boy band in the world and it had only taken me this long to figure out who they were .. “Oh My God..” was all I could manage to say, I stood there frozen, with them all looking at me, I felt like I was about to faint, I don’t know why I didn’t. we stood with they boys, and they girls they were with for about an hour, stood backstage at THEIR concert waiting for them to go on a perform, I learnt that the girls names were Emilee,  Jasmine,  and Samantha, I learned that these were the girlfriends of Harry, Liam and Zayn (in that order).

We watched the concert from back stage, we also learned a lot about the girls, and the boys. After about an hour, we were joined by a another girl, she was really pretty and almost straight away the girls hugged her, we learned that she was the best friend of the boys, she was also the god daughter of Simon cowell, the man that formed one direction, her name was Amelia (or Milly for short) and she new more about the about the boys then anyone else.

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