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"April??" I said seeing April.

"Jackson?"She turned around.

"Did you tell them that we move to Boston??" I asked annoyed.

"WHAT?" Everyone asked at the same time.

"Oh my...You didn't tell them and you didn't come because of this." I said panicking.

"I came here to ask for help because I really need that. I have a lot of stuff and I can't pack my life together and take care of Harriet every minute." She said.

"Why didn't you just call me??" I asked angrily.

"I called you a hundred times, I left voice messages but you didn't even answer my messages." She said almost crying.

"I'm sorry I'm working in a hospital in the middle of a pandemic and you just sit home all day. So that's why I couldn't call you back." I said loudly.

Everyone was watching us and they were so confused.

"What's the problem here? I can hear your annoying quarrel from the upper floor." Bailey said walking out from the elevator.

"I would like to hear why are you wanna move to Boston. With April." Amelia said.

"You wanna move to Boston??" Bailey asked surprised.

"Can we talk about it...umm somewhere else please?" I asked nervously.

"Yes, of course, Jackson Avery. Come with me" Bailey said.

- meanwhile -


Jackson and Bailey went away so I was with the others. Alone. With their questions which I can't answer. This is not my task. Jackson wanted and wants to tell them the reason why we will move to Boston.

"Why are you moving there?" Maggie asked.

"Are you back together?" Amelia asked.

"When you decided to move there?" Teddy asked.

"Why don't you come back and you can be with Jackson here too." Owen said.

"Guys..please just shut up for a second." I said.

Everything became so quiet.

"So I don't wanna talk about it. It's not my area, Jackson wanted to tell you all of this. And he still wants to do it. I would like to come back here but right now, I don't think I'm ready for this." I said smiling.

Then everyone went to do their things, just Jo stayed with me in front of Mer's room waiting for Jackson.

"So you two are back together?" Jo asked a little nervous.

"Umm, what do you mean? I mean I don't know. I..." I said very nervously.

"Oh, I see." She said quite sad. Or still nervous. I don't know, but she wasn't looking at me.

"Did something happened? You seem so nervous." I asked laughing a little.

"That's nothing it's just new for me that you two are maybe back together." She said laughing. Nervously.

Now I was nervous too. I didn't know what happen or why is she acting so weird.

Then Jo stood up and walked away. I was watching her and in the corridor, Jackson appeared. Jo stopped there and started arguing with Jackson. I didn't know what was happening.

"You kissed me. You kissed me while you were with her?? Why didn't you tell me that you're still in love with your ex-wife?? Jackson why?" She said almost crying.

"Jo please calm down." He said.

"NO! You went to see her and you didn't even tell me about it. And you kissed me. I kissed you. We were kissing. And you were with her." She said now crying.

"Jo please wait!! It wasn't this way! Jo please!!" He said running after her.

My eyes were full of tears. He doesn't even love me. He just wants someone to be there for him. I grabbed my bag and started rushing out of the hospital. Back to home.

I was out in the parking lot when I heard Jackson shouting behind me.


I turned around with tears in my eyes.

"Jackson why? You always need someone to be there. You don't even wanna move with me because you like me or love our daughter. You want someone to be there." I said crying.

"April, no. You are overreacting this like Jo." He said.

"Yes, of course. I always overreact to everything. Also, I overreacted to our divorce too. " I said laughing and crying at the same time.

"April, please. Listen to me!" He said begging.

"Why should I listen to you?" I said sobbing.


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