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Demi's POV

"Mom can you tell Luka to come here?" I ask and she goes to tell him. A few minutes later I hear a loud bang come from his room. "Luka?" I yell. No response. I finally decide to go up to his room. And to my horror, there is Luka on the floor practically dying as I stand there hopeless.
I grab a towel and hold it to his wrists. He cut too deep. It brings back awful memories. I remember when I accidentally cut too deep once. I almost died, luckily my friend was there to save me. "Mom call 911!" I scream and she flies up the stairs with the phone to her ear. I grab the phone from her.
"Hold the towel to his wrist!" I say as she stands there in shock. She runs and grabs the towel from me as the operator answers.
"'s laying here unconscious....yes....48 Birchwood Ave....thank you." I say and hang up as I see Maddie walk into the room. "What's going o-" I cover her eyes.
"Madison go to your room now." I say and practically push her out of the room.
"Mom relax please. The ambulance is here, go wait for it I will wait here with Luka." She nods and goes outside.
"I'm so sorry Luka. How could I not know you're going through this. I love you so much and I can't let you die. Please, be my nightingale. You're my baby brother and I am a terrible sister. I am so sorry." I say and put my head on his chest and start crying. The paramedics come into the room and bandage his wrist while loading him into the ambulance to go to the hospital. "I am going to ride with him. Mom, I am going to get ahold of Dallas to come and take you and Maddie to the hospital. You can't drive and risk Maddie's and your life."
She nods as I get into the ambulance while calling Dallas. "Hey can you take mom and Maddie to the hospital by our house? I will explain when you get here." She agrees as we finally get to the hospital.
I text my mom. "Dallas will be there in 20." They wheel Luka into a room and hook him up to a bunch of machines. "We will have to take some tests to confirm but we believe Luka Lovato is in a coma. We will do everything in our power to help him." The doctor says and rushes out.

Luka's POV

"Hello? Where am I?" I look down and see myself in a hospital gown. "You're in the place before heaven or hell." "Who was that?" I say and look around. "I'm no one that you would know. But I wanted to help you, it was my duty to help someone before heaven." I look at him confused.
"Come with me." He says and takes me to a hospital room. "This is me. I am on life support, I was in a car wreck. I was killed but my family doesn't have the heart to pull the plug. I have a seven year old baby girl. She doesn't know what happened to her daddy. All she knows is that I am practically dead. She doesn't understand, I wish I could say I love you just one more time to her." My eyes start to tear up.
"That's why you are able to get one more chance. Please tell your family how much you love them and don't try to kill yourself again. My family just signed the papers to take me off life support. Remember kid, someone always loves you."
I smile and suddenly I wake up in a hospital room. "Luka?!" Demi screams. "I love you Demi. I am sorry you're my nightingale." I say and hug her.
"Baby I am so sorry that I never knew. I should've know, I am such a bad sister. You are my baby brother and I am supposed to be able to protect you. I wasn't there for you when you were struggling. Please could you ever forgive me?" I nod and she smiles and mouths the words 'thank you' as mom walks in with Maddie and Dallas. "He's awake." She says and they run to hug me.
"Luka. I am sorry I couldn't see the signs." My mom says and smiles at me. "Mom it's okay relax. I'm fine." I say lying so hopefully I can get out of this somehow.
"Mom can I please talk to you in the hallway?" Demi asks and pulls her into the hall.
"How are you feeling?" Maddie asks. I shrug. "How long was I in this 'coma'" I ask. "Two days." She says. "Oh what do you think they're saying out there? How terrible of a son I am?" I say under my breath.
"Luka!" She says and slaps my arm. "I am going to say this once, you are a great brother. I love you so much and you deserve better than to hurt yourself. I have never selfharmed before so I don't know what lead you to this but you need to know we are here for you."
Lie. She did self harm. She did when she was 9 and she fully understood why Demi was in rehab. She wanted to be cool so she cut herself 5 times. "You've never self harmed? Yea what about the time when you were nine?" I ask suspiciously. "Shut up about that. It wasn't what you think." I roll my eyes and look at her. She's lucky mom and Demi came in.
"How are you feeling Luka?" Demi asks. "Okay I guess." "Well mom and I were talking and think it's best if you relocate yourself somewhere else to start fresh." She says. "I am having you come move in with me." Seriously? After all you do is hate on me, you want me to move in? Wow, this selfharm and suicidal thing should've come out a long time ago.

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