Chapter 1

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It was like any other day at the Krusty Krab as Squidward, who remains in his post during his shift, decides to pass the time quickly by taking a small nap with a travel pillow that he carried with him.

Things seemed all normal.....until HE interrupted his beauty sleep.

"Order up Squidy!" Spongebob yelled out as he hands him a tray of Krabby patties through the order window.

Squidward then jumped up from his nap, unaware of his heart beating rapidly hard as he jerks away the tray from his hands.

"SpongeBob! Stop calling me that!" Squidward scorned in a grumpy voice.

It was one thing to bug him all day with his irritating laughter but to call him that that.... filth of a nickname!

That had to be the limit there.

It was making him uncomfortable as if it was a personal pet name!

Every time he even pronounces a single sound of it, it would shudder him to the core.

Although...somehow, it also made him feel a bit...

What's the word?


No no no.

That's not it.


No that ain't right either.

"Oh....okay, if you say so." Spongebob said as he backed out of the window and limped his way to the grill.

Squidward then looks over at the window as he sees Spongebob back to flipping and grilling the patties with a bright smile on his face like everything was normal again.

Well that was easy. Squiward thought as he attempted to lay back down on the edge of his boat-like desk and close his eyes to resume his nap.

But no matter how much he tried to sleep, he just couldn't get the thought that it was more than a simple back off from a dolt like Spongebob.

No. It couldn't be that easy. Maybe he's just fooling around for a bit. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike me from behind! Yeah, that's it. Squidward thought with initial confidence as he closes his eyes again.

Still though.... Squidward lastly thought before he drifted off to sleep.

Soon the silence between him and Spongebob continue to linger on towards the remainder of the shift.

By the time the Krusty Krab reached to its closing hours, the two co workers then started to clear away the mess as their boss, Mr. Krabs comes out of his office.

"Well I'm off so have a good night boys. Oh and don't forget to lock up before you leave." Mr. Krabs said as he waves goodbye to them and leaves the area.

However, after a minute of no response from either of them, Mr. Krabs suddenly stopped for a moment.

Aye...why the sudden silence? Mr. Krabs thought as he turned his head towards the The Krusty Krab and sees his two co workers cleaning up without a single joy to fill the air.

"Eh. Maybe I've just been working those two to death for too long. But whatever the problem is, I'm sure that it'll get better in the morning." Mr. Krabs said as he shrugged his shoulders and continued to walk on to his house.

After Squidward locked up for the night, he walks on home with the quiet sponge, who continues on with the dreadful silence between them as they reach their mini neighborhood which had the three houses in it.

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