Chapter 5

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The next morning came around as Squidward got up from his bed, which was about 30 minutes before their 'date' officially starts, and heads to the bathroom to wash his face. 

He somehow profusely sweated in his sleep.

So much, that his nightgown was soaked and his face was beaming red by the time he had rinsed out most of his cold sweat.

Was I having a bad dream?

Am I really that nervous?

He looked at the mirror, closing his eyes for a second and breathed in deeply.

Don't worry Squidward. Everything is going to be okay. Its just Spongebob. Not a millionaire jerk who wants to talk down to you every time you're happy. Squidward thought.

To be honest, it had been too long since he went on a real decent date with anyone, let alone an annoying neighbor that he sees everyday.

Many years ago, he would have thought that the last of his happy memories were in college when he was with a certain someone....until Spongebob came into his life.

He then, went through his closet and grabbed his green sweater from the closet, since the temperatures of the water was fairly getting cold around this time and roped it over his head.

Afterwards, he went outside and shut the front door behind him as he walked over to SpongeBob's while thinking of where should they go for the day.

"hmm..." Squidward hummed curiously, putting his tentacle to his chin in deep thought.

"Goofy Goobers?.... No, I think that'll be too much sugar and excitement for Spongebob. He's already got enough energy to run the whole world around as it is." Squidward said to himself while rolling his eyes.

"Now what about Glove World? hmmm. I think...that'll be okay with me since I don't usually go there that often and I want to able to experience 'fun'." Squidward confirmed.

Is it okay for me to have 'fun'? I guess I'll have to see and maybe later we could go to the jelly fields. I'm sure Spongebob would love that. He does jellyfish often over there, so I should try to jelly fish too but I'll have remember to bring some sting ointment cream sometime before we go in case my face blotches up from the last time I jellyfished." Squidward added on with a shuddered memory of going to the hospital once for jelly fish injuries when he first tried jellyfishing and failed miserably. 

Squidward then checked the time by his watch and notices that it was already 8:59 am as he continued to wait by front door, tapping his foot constantly in a fret.

Something inside Squidward quickly panicked him each second with worry.

Is this going to work? Oh no...what do I do what if I say something wrong! I really hate being a barnacle head sometimes. I don't want to mess this up right now. I can't!  Squidward thought, sickened to his stomach by the many possibilities of accidently hurting the little guy's feelings.

2 minutes later, Spongebob came out of the door and sees Squidward, who had turned the other way with his hands cupped to his face muttering to himself.

Spongebob wondered what was going through Squidward's mind the many times that he notices him getting this anxious.

As if he was afraid of something that he simply didn't want to tell him just yet.

"Squidward?" Spongebob asked, but when he didn't hear an answer, he lightly placed his hand on his shoulder and tried again.

"Squidward." Spongebob repeated as Squidward spun around and sees Spongebob in a dark purple sweater, staring at him.

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