Chapter 6

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When they got back to town, they took a nice stroll to the jellyfish fields in a still quiet, peaceful manner.

By the time, they reached the area, the sun was already starting to set as Squidward found a nice spot and place the two down on the seaweed grass so that they can get a clear view of the sunset peaking at its horizon.

"Alright, now you can ask me some of your questions." Squidward said with a half smile.

"Oh.....I uh.... I don't know where to start...." Spongebob said nervously, while twirling his fingers around.

"*Sigh. Its just me Spongebob. Just say it out loud to my face." Squidward said in a monotone while pointing to his face.

"Okay.....are you a homophobic?" Spongebob asked, randomly.

"Nope, I've dated a guy before. Next." Squidward said bluntly.

"Alright, favorite color?" Spongebob asked.

"Blue." Squidward answered.

"favorite hobbies?" Spongebob asked.

"You already know that one." Squidward said in a bored tone.

"Right right. Um... what about exes?" Spongebob asked, now curious.

Suddenly Squidward's demeanor changes as his face grew bright red.

He quickly turned away, embarrassed.

"What about them?" Squidward asked, a little hurt in his voice.

"Well... I knew that you tried to date Squilvia before for instance, but my question was...." Spongebob tried to say but paused, thinking of how he was going to be put it.

"Was there....also someone else in your life? Someone who has hurt you completely to make yourself feel unworthy?" Spongebob asked, honestly.

He couldn't hide the fact that Squidward must've been heartbroken by at least one person at some point in his life. 

He figured that might have explained his constant sadness all the time.

That his guilt over the breakup was eating him up inside.

After a few minutes of silence, Squidward finally answered.

"Yeah....I did." Squidward confessed.

And he's the reason why I feel so unhappy with myself all the time Squidward thought while taking a deep breath.

"what's their name?" Spongebob asked on softly, while placing his hand placed near Squidward's without actually touching it, out of respect.

Squidward looked down and saw the light parting touch of their fingers.

He huffed in frustration and instantly grabbed his hand again firmly. 

Obviously, Spongebob should've known by this time that he was already okay with them holding hands, even if Squidward's narcissistic side of his mind don't seem to agree to it.

His lifted his hand with Spongebob's and placed them close to his heart.

Both of them begin to drastically blush at that point.

Their heartbeats pumping excessively 5 times the amount it would usually go.

Their worlds were slowly clashing together as if they were connected like one.

Squidward then, took a deep breath and answered it.

For the first time in his life, he's allowing his heart to trust another.

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