Chapter 3

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When Spongebob got to the jellyfish fields, he saw Patrick from afar and waved his hand out to him.

"Hey Patrick!" Spongebob shouted as he walked over and sat on the floating seaweed grass right next to Patrick, who looked over his shoulder and waved back.

"Oh, hi Spongebob. I saved this ice cream for you" Patrick said cheerfully while handing Spongebob his other ice cream.

Spongebob grabbed it from his hand and softly smile.

"Thanks Patrick. You shouldn't have." Spongebob said while licking his ice cream.

"Hey, that's what friends are for" Patrick replied kindly as the two quietly enjoy their ice cream.

After a few minutes, Spongebob stopped eating abruptly and looked at his ice cream for a second before looking back at Patrick again.

He took a deep breath and sighed.

"Hey Pat? There's.... something that I have to tell you." Spongebob said nervously while rubbing his neck roughly.

Patrick looked at Spongebob while he was licking on his ice cream and nodded his head.

"Yeah go on, I'm listening" Patrick answered.

"I think.... I have feelings for Squidward and... I don't know how to confess to him without him freaking out on me. But, the more I think about it, the more I seem to think that he actually does hate me. He....always hates me.." Spongebob explained sadly and looked down.

Patrick didn't know what to say at this point as the two slowly begin an awkward moment of silence and continued to eat their ice cream once more in peace.

Patrick closed his eyes and thought carefully about what kind of advice could he say to his friend without giving him false hope before he finally spoke.

Surprisedly, like a true wise man.

"Well from the way I see it, you may need to take some time for him to love you first before you tell him how you feel. But that doesn't necessary mean that you have to wait forever. The best thing I can suggest is, that you take all of the time you need for you both to be comfortable around one another and when the right moment comes, only then you'll be able to tell him yourself." Patrick advised sophistically and a in whimsical fashion.

A second later, he opened his eyes up again and immediately revert back to usual personality of a goofy starfish as he enlarges his mouth wide enough to shove all his ice cream down his throat.

Spongebob watched him swallow the ice cream in amazement, which made his insides freeze up and shiver a bit in response.

Afterwards, he decide to make Spongebob feel better by putting his ice cream cone on top of his head to make him look stupid.

Obviously it had worked.

Spongebob, as predicted, start to giggle at his silliness and smiled warmly to him.

"Well, I guess you're right! And maybe if it's okay with you, I''ll be able talk to you more about it until I feel ready enough to confess to Squidward." Spongebob planned out excitedly while looking at Patrick.

Patrick smiled back and then switch expressions a bit to mess with him.

"Okay sure, why not. But only if it helps you with your loooove to Squidward" Patrick teased while making childish gossip sounds.

Sponegbob blushed bright pink and flailed his arms around at Patrick hysterically.

"Patrick! Please don't tell him I like him like that. It'll ruin my chances with him!" Spongebob plead.

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