Chapter 2

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The next morning arises as Spongebob immediately climbed out of his bed in hurry to do his regular routine before going to work.

After he finished getting dressed, he ran over to Patrick's and knocks on his rock like door and  waits for his response.

A few seconds later, a sleepy starfish with matching green pjs popped out from under the rock in a daze.

"Hey Spongebob what's up?" Patrick asked yawning as he flopped his body out of his man cave rock home and straighten up his back like he had just woken up in the morning.

"Hey Pat. I have to talk to you. I have a little.....problem that I need your help with." Spongebob said while rubbing his neck nervously.

"Oo oo I know! The answer is 4!" Patrick yelled out in confidence as if he was in a game show.

"No Patrick. I'm talking about advice not a math question." Spongebob corrected.

"Oh! Well, sure buddy. Anything for you." Patrick said with a smile.

"Great. I have to go now, I have work but can you meet me at the jellyfish fields around lunch time?" Spongebob asked while looking at his watch in a rushing manner.

"Yep." Patrick said in a cool tone with a thumbs up.

"Thanks, I'll gotta go I'll see you then. Bye Patrick

"Bye Spongebob!" Patrick yelled out as he waved goodbye to him.

When Spongebob was out of sight, a confused starfish begins to question himself immediately.

"Hmm...Now what was it that Spongebob wanted to ask me again?" Patrick asked puzzled as he scratched his head in thought for a moment before he finally gave up and shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh well I guess I better just meet him in the jellyfish fields at lunch time then and ask him." Patrick said in a monotone voice as he walks off to do his own thing.


Later on at the Krusty Krab, a huge lunch rush starts to close in on the restaurant as Spongebob, who was nervous and at the same time distracted, quickly blank spaces for what felt like a long time as he allows his mind to go into deep thought.

Oddly enough, because of his behavior, he didn't seem to be fazed by the burnt charcoal smell of overcooked patties that are burning up his grill or by the demanding hungry ravished customers who were attempting to climb over the register deck and onto his see through window while he was in the mist of it.

What should I ask Patrick when I get there?

Should I tell him everything? Or just a little and see how he reacts?

Would he judge me for having a huge unbearable crush on Squidward?

Will he make fun of me for liking another guy?

Does he care at all? Or would he once again just pretend that he doesn't even know what's going on with me and rub it off like it don't mean anything to him?

Ooo. Spongebob you have got to pull yourself together and just be honest that's all you have to do.

He is your best friend after hard can it be? Spongebob thought sadly as he continues to be in this state of mind until suddenly, the sound of a familiar voice caused him to snap back to reality.

"Spongebob! where are all of the orders. It's been 10 minutes and these people need their food. Now are you just going to sit there or are you gonna give them their stuff?!" Squidward rudely yells out as Spongebob quickly jumps in a fright and drops his unused spatula on the floor.

"Oh! Uh, sorry Squidward. I'm getting them out right now. Just give me a few minutes. He he" Spongebob said with a nervous laughter as he bends over and picks up his spatula from the ground.

"Well, you better quit fooling around and hurry up already. They have places to be and I have a nap to take." Squidward said grumpily as several fish from behind continue to yell at him with complaints.

"Sorry Squidward!" Spongebob repeated as he piles up the burgers in trays and stacks them up in a rush.

"Stop saying sorry and just hand me the orders. It's that simple." Squidward said sternly as he takes out the stacks trays and starts giving out all of the food to the customers.

"Woohoo!" The fish from behind cheered as they take their order and begin to chomp them down at the tables.

Phew! Thank goodness, that it's over. Both Squidward and Spongebob thought at the same time as they slump over in their stations in a relief.

After the customers leave the Krusty Krab with full stomachs, it became quiet again as both Spongebob and Squidward decide to take this time to go on their lunch break.

Even though their stingy boss barely allows them to have any time off, their lunch hour and their Sunday day off are the only two breaks that they can have.

So of course, he'll be using this as a opportunity to meet up with his friend.

*sigh Okay, here I go. Spongebob thought nervously as he walks towards the entryway and yells out his departure to his boss to let him know where he's going.

"Mr Krabs I'm going to meet Patrick on my lunch break. I'll be back in an hour." Spongebob said as he opens the doorway and starts to leave the restaurant.

"Huh?" Squidward asked, confused as he looks up in Spongebob's direction.

"Okay boy-yo. Just don't take too long." Mr. Krabs yelled out through his office door as he gives him the okay to head on over to where he needs to be.

When Spongebob was out of the area, Squidward immediately stands up from his station and continues to look on in bewilderment.

"What does that pink-for-brains want with Spongebob? Hmm... I better go see what they're up to." Squidward wondered to himself as heads to the door but then hesitates at the last second.

"No, no. Squidward, what are you saying? Get a hold of yourself. This isn't like you. You're not thinking straight." Squidward objected to himself as he deals out with a personal inner conflict in his mind.

Although, he had always wondered what was happening recently with Spongebob, he should be at least grateful that the moron can finally give him some peace and quiet.

But somehow, he has that itty bitty small gut feeling that the little guy was holding something from him.

And even though he has known him for all of those years as a neighbor and a co-worker, he has never seen him so....distressed.

Eventually, he decided to just go on ahead and leave the Krusty Krab as he sneakily follows Spongebob on up ahead to the jellyfish fields.

If not for his insanity, then he'll do it because he knows that he'll regret not doing anything about it later if he doesn't.

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