Chapter 4

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While that happened, Patrick, who received a text earlier from Mindy, decides to meet her at their usual spot, at the edge of town, where neither fish nor her dad can spot them.

Even though Mindy's dad, King Neptune, was very grateful for Spongebob's bravery and honesty during their trip for the crown, he was however, a little disapproving of Patrick's relationship with his daughter for many, many reasons.

One of which, was the small fact that he was just a silly starfish and figures that Mindy would be better off with any other creature in the sea, more likely, a merman in his place.

This, caused their typical teenager rebellious hangouts that happened anytime her father is away or busy executing peasants of the town.

When Patrick reached to the area, he looked around and waited for a bit , until he suddenly got a surprise from behind him.

"Hey Patrick." Mindy greeted excitedly as she gave him a big bear hug.

"Hiiii Mindy." Patrick replied back in a lovestruck tone.

"How's my favorite noble knight in shining armor?" Mindy asked sweetly while giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm your noble knight." Patrick repeated in a mesmerized voice, wobbling as if he was going to faint any second.

Mindy giggled as she took his hand and walked with him down to a nearby cliff for them to sit and talk.

"So what's been on your mind lately?" Mindy asked curiously.

"Uh.... Well.... I was hanging out with Spongebob today at the jellyfish fields and he told me that he has love issues with Squidward." Patrick recalled while putting on his usual thinking face.

"Oh my. What did you tell him then?" Mindy said, now concerned.

She knew that Spongebob was kind and soft-hearted which would also make him more vulnerable to heartbreaks. 

"I told him to wait and be patient about it until Squidward would be comfortable enough to tell him himself." Patrick answered with shrugged shoulders. 

He honestly didn't know what to do at the time but hopefully gave out what he assumed to be, the right advice for these kinds of situations that he never had to worry about before. 

"But knowing Squidward all too well means that he may never confess, right? You don't think that he'll ever go through with it?" Mindy added on. 

"I suppose." Patrick said sadly. 

"Well don't give up on them, I'm sure that they figure it out for themselves." Mindy cheered Patrick on as she checks her shell phone and immediately sees her dad grumpy photo on caller ID, indicating that it was an incoming call despite the low vibration settings that she installed on her phone. 

"Ah! my dad's calling! I gotta go. I'll see you later honey." Mindy said quickly while kissing Patrick on the cheek and standing up. 

She whistled quick for her carriage of horses whom instantly arrived after her call. 

She got onto the seat compartment of the ride and waved goodbye to the dazed Patrick who wasn't even paying attention as she gets whisked away by her chariot on home. 

After she was gone, took about 5 minutes before Patrick finally realized that he was by himself.

"Man I'm bored....." Patrick grumbled with a frown as he puts on his thinking cap to brainstorm. 

Literally, an actual pink cap that he had placed over his head and thought about what to do, until a lightbulb struck his brain. 

"I know! I'm gonna get some ice cream at Goofy Goobers! I just hope that they give me some free ones this time." Patrick yelled out excitedly and got up from bottom cliff floor to head on over to the ice cream shop. 


Later at night, after the last of the Krusty Krab customers were through, Spongebob and Squidward quietly clocked out of their shifts.

Spongebob flipped the sign to Closed while Squidward mops up the leftover gunk that came from Krabby patties that either fell on the floor or it's contents, that is, did.

Bleh. I'll never get tired of this job. Squidward thought disgusted while wiping up the oils and grease that the food has made on the floor.

Finally, after several hours of cleanup, they call it a night and exit the restaurant with Squidward locking the door behind them.

Once again, they ended up walking home in silence as they both were fixin to head inside their homes until Squidward, who couldn't stand anymore of this guilt that he is feeling right now for their quietness, spoke up in a rush. 

"Umm hey Spongebob?" Squidward asked in a shout so that he could hear.

Luckily, he listened.  

"Yeah?" Spongebob answered as he turns his head to face him. 

Shoot! What do I do? Squidward thought nervously while trying to come up with the next words to say without offending the little guy again.  

His head was sweating but not profusely and his heart was racing fast. 

Finally he talked again, before Spongebob could question his anxiety. 

"I um.... I'm sorry for yelling at you back there at work. know what I say is never really true right?" Squidward asked rubbing his arm as he waits for Spongebob to answer but there was no response. 

The only sound he got was ocean water currents, which had swayed vigorously in their distance as if it can feel their ongoing tension. 

Why is it so difficult to talk to you? Squidward thought in a mixture of anger and nerves. 

Thankfully, though he knew better than to yell at him some more so, he decided to do the opposite. 

"S...since tomorrow is Sunday. I was thinking would you...Do you..... want to go with me somewhere? We could catch a morning bus and go into town to do a couple things....unless you're too busy that is." Squidward hesitantly asked. 

At this point, both were secretly blushing bright red and shocked that those kinds of words came from his mouth for the first time in well, never.  

"Go with you tomorrow?" Spongebob asked, confused, his heart racing hard. 

"Y...yes." Squidward replied in a stutter. 

"With you?" Spongebob repeated. 

"Yes." Squidward complied again with a huff. 

"Like a date?" Spongebob asked, in a more obvious puzzled form. 

"No! Its not a date. I said a hangout not a...ugh." Squidward said, realizing how he just sounded as he slaps his face with his hand. 

"*sigh. Do you wanna go with me or not?" Squidward repeated with a more impatient tone this time. 

"Yes... Yes I would like that." Spongebob answered to him in a still shocked form. 

"Great! Now go get some sleep and I'll come over and pick you up at the door. Be ready no more by 9:00 am. Got it?" Squidward asked in an orderly form as if he was commanding them to go like it was a request. 

Spongebob only nodded his head which signaled his reassurance to this request.

Squidward then turned to the door and waved at him goodbye. 

"Alright. Well... goodnight." Squidward said in a softer voice while walking inside his home and shuts the door behind him. 

Spongebob slowly did the same and entered into his house a minute later. 

Both were slumped against the door and slid to the floor in amazement and surprise. 

"Wow." They said at once as they took a few much needed time to clear their heads before they finally crawled into their beds and sleep. 

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