An Important Meeting

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A/N The first four chapters of this book are absolutely terrible and boring. Please push through them since they are short. Ily all!!!

   "DAD!" I yell into the console room. my voice echoing throughout the bright chambers of the TARDIS. The echo sounds bright and cheery, reflecting the way I feel. 

    "Yes sweetheart?" He says in a distracted, not paying attention way of his, his nicest tone possible. I knew it.

   "Don't tell me you forgot... Again." I give an exasperated sigh. 

    "No! Of course not!" He lies, I raise a brow, and cross my arms, leaning on one hip, 

 "Then where do I have to be in 15 minutes?" I quiz, 

 "Your Siren Sounds rehearsal," Mum says as she walks in, saving Dad from my further scrutiny. Lucky for him. Siren Sounds is the name of my Jazz voice group and I adore it. Hence not wanting to be late.

   "We're in a time machine, for goodness sake's!" Dad says, gesturing his arms out in a wide arc, sauntering around the console to my Mum. He's annoyed. So am I. 

    "I don't care. I'm going to be on the same schedule as everyone else." I snap back, turning around and running my finger through my caramel colored hair. Honestly. I walk back to my room to get changed out of my short shorts and long sleeve shirt. On my way out, I hear dad say something like "insufferable women". I chuckle, shaking my head. When I get into my large room, I head to the dresser and pull out my denim capris. Then I open my closet and step in, shutting the door behind me. I search through my shirts until deciding on a grey and white striped bat-wing shirt. I pull my clothes off and put my new ones on. I sit on my bed and pull on my grey socks with the TARDIS blue polka dots. I walk around the bed to my pile of high top converse and grab my mint coloured ones. As I pull them on, I jump as something attacks the laces. 

    "Really Simba? You need to calm down." I croon to my pet like I'm talking to a baby, I pick the little kitten up and set her beside me. out of the corner of my eye, I see my alarm clock. Crap! It always amazes me how I can constantly be late, even in a time machine! I finish getting my shoes on and put on some mascara and fire engine red lipstick. I grab my brush from the desk and run it through my hair. Leaning back across the other side of the bed to grab my glasses and slide them up my nose.

   "I like it better when you don't wear makeup." Dad says, when I walk in, not looking up from his thing that he's working on. I lean over onto one hip, Smiling down at him. Somehow I knew he would say that. 

    "Well... I'm rehearsing with our professional and CELEBRITY guest artist." That earns a glance up from Dad, but it's too late, he has to maintain his "cool." 

    "So?" He says in a candid manner, I bite my lower lip. Playing along with his game. 

    "So I want to make a good impression." I respond, waiting for Dad to take his turn. Dad sighs and puts down the thing he was working on. Casting me a sideways look, 

     "I don't see why you have to wear makeup to make a good impression." All I can do is sigh and stand there awkwardly waiting for Dad to say something. He gets the message and grins at my Mum, who has slipped up behind me and is silently watching our conversation. He looks back at me and smiles even wider. 

    "Well... Let's go! You don't want to be late!" He smiles and kisses me on the head. I hug him and we run out the doors and into the studio.

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