Just a Sound

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   Brynna stays the night, she always does, I don't know why the TARDIS never made her a room, but It still doesn't. she usually stays in my room or on one of the many unused sickbay beds. "They're comfortale." she always replys with a shrug when I ask her about it. I tried it once, but don't see the appeal. This morning, she's in a small couch in the corner. She's usually up before me. But she's just laying there with her eyes closed. I sit up and stretch, putting my glasses on. "Why don't we go and have the TARDIS make us something to eat?" I start walking out the door before Brynna answers. I know she wants food, she always does. Brynna eats like she's never going to eat again, my Mum constantly teases her about it, Brynna always laughs along with us, but continues to eat like that. I turn around and gesture for her to follow. She hops off the couch and jogs by my side. We start walking down the hall when we hear something come from the console room behind us.
   "Who's in there?" Brynna asks me.
   "I think my Dad is..." I answer. Brynna shrugs and we slowly peek into the console room. The second we step in I can see something is wrong. My Dad is sitting on the edge of the glass floor, legs hanging above the stairs, and with his back towards us. His tweed that he usually wears is draped over the rail and his bowtie is loose. We continue towards him and see something in his hand.
He's weeping.

not an extreme cry, just... my Grandma once told me, "Children cry because they want attention, because they're hurt or afraid, but when they cry silently, It's because they just can't stop." and that's how my Dad sits, as a child, crying silently on the stair. I look at Brynna and we know what to do. We sit next to him and engulf my dad in a hug. We sit there in silence for a good 5 minutes. "What happened?" I finally break the silence. "Is Mum okay?" Dad almost laughs

   "No. No, you should know your mother well enough to know that she is a woman who can handle herself." He stands up, all smiles and laughs now that we've caught him in one of his low points. He stands up and slings his jacket over hid shoulder. "Just an old friend with some misfortunes." He  replies, lookind down at us, still sitting on the stairs looking up at him. Then my Dad looks at Brynna. Just sits and looks at her with tear streaks down his face and sadness in his eyes. He shakes his head and leaves the room without saying anything. heads out the door I catch a glimpse of what was in his hand. It looks like a letter. The only thing I can read is "Love, Rose" in fancy cursive.

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