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   "JENNY!" I yelled as I ran to give my older sister a hug.
  "Hey sis," she said hugging me back, "ready to go to London?" I quickly nod as mum pops her head in the room.
   "I hate to break up this lovely reunion, but would you care to join your father and me in the console room?"
   "Absolutely." Jenny replies through a grin. We jogged out of the kitchen, down the hall, and into the console room.
   "Hello Jenny!" Dad exclaims, "I didn't know you were here." Jenny smirks and hides her vortex manipulator behind her back. I giggle, mum walks in behind me and jump starts me, making me shriek and run to the other side of the room. "Ah. September 30th, 1929. Lovely day. Bit cloudy though..." Dad says while flipping seemingly random switches and dials. We've been flying for about thirty seconds when both of my parent's communicators buzz and the tardis goes crazy and red lights start flashing. They both barely start to look at each other when we're all knocked off our feet from the tardis taking a sharp turn.
   "Dad what's going on?!" I yell above the noise.
   "She's going haywire! She's going the wrong way!" He yells back. Mum looks at Dad when the tardis suddenly stops with a jarring thump. There's an eerie silence as Mum and Dad have a silent conversation. "Should we go and get her?" He asks aloud.
   "She always comes in herself. Let's wait." Comes my mum's   reply.
   "Wait for wh-" I start to ask, but Jenny effectively shushes me with a look. Ten minutes pass by in silence.
   "Alright I'm going out to get her." Dad says as he leaves the tardis. He comes back several minutes later with my best friend slung over both of his shoulders, holding on to one of her arms and one of her legs. She is moaning softly. Once he gets further into the tardis, I can see her back through her torn up shirt with slashes through the skin. Her long blond hair is matted with her still warm, sticky blood.
I don't remember exactly when I started screaming and crying, but I feel Jenny's arms restricting me from rushing over to them. I see mum helping dad put her on the ground in from of the captain's chair. Brynna starts writhing in agony and time slows down. It all seems like a dream.
I wish it was.

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