secrets and liars

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Three hours later, Brynna finished quietly sobbing into Rivers arms and just sat there quietly, shaking. Her eyes suddenly snapped open and she said quietly
"I think I'll go and shower before Brooke gets home." River nodded her agreement, and Brynna got up of the couch slowly. On her way over to the door, Brynna stumbled a little, catching herself just In time, she looked a little disoriented, but overall okay. a few seconds later, when Brynna was around the corner, River heard loud retching sound, followed by a crash, as she ran around the corner, she saw Brynna lying on the floor in her own bloody vomit, passed out.
"Oh no, oh no!" River muttered to herself, scooping the cold, clammy, Brynna off the floor once again, cradling her like a baby, she rushed the underweight fourteen year old to the sick bay. She pulled out her sonic screwdriver, hoping to see what was wrong. The stupid thing just buzzed weakly and died. River cursed under her breath quietly. Brynna's labored breathing was quieting now. But she wasn't waking up. River paced by the end of the bed. Where was the Doctor and his darn sonic screwdriver?
Dad and I burst into the TARDIS, laughing and shaking sand and salt out of hair.
"Did you see that mermaid's face?" I gasped, holding my sides. Dad was about to reply, but was cut off by Mum stepping into the control room to meet us. She had a sort of forced smile on her face as she said
"Hello sweeties, how was your day?"
"Hi Mum!" I replied, I was about to tell her about the mermaid, but I suddenly noticed that she wasn't really paying attention to me. Her and Dad we desperately sending messages back and forth to each other with their eyes.
"Right, well, Brooke, we'll be right back." Dad said quickly, And then they had stepped into the hall leading to the sick bay and had slammed the door in my face. I sighed.
"Why with all the secrets?" I said softly to myself. Once again, I pressed my ear up to the door to listen, and once again, I only caught snatches of the conversation. I heard the faint buzz of my Dad's sonic screwdriver. And then my Dad's voice
"Internal...very serious..." I could only hear my Mom's muffled voice, and then my Dad yelled "THE GIRL DOESN'T EVEN KNOW. WHY-" he lowered his voice again, regaining control. His outburst scared me, he doesn't often do that. I crept back to my room, and sat there sulking. If there was such important stuff going on, shouldn't I know?
The next day, I was sitting in my room, playing with my cats, when Brynna popped her head through with a pained smile, she knocked on my doorframe.
"BRYNNA!" I yelled, excited to see my best friend. I ran forward to hug her, and when ran into her, she gave a small gasp and groan. I leaned back, "are you okay?" I asked Brynna, she was holding her stomach. She looked up and gave me a kind of half smile, half grimace.
"What? Oh, of course, I'm fine." Her voice broke while she was saying the word fine, but I didn't really notice. We went and sat on my bed, all my cats piled onto our laps. We giggled. "So," Brynna started, "did you ever find out who Rose was?"
"Well," I replied thoughtfully, "I asked my Mum about it, and she got all weird, she said that she was someone who helped my Dad through a hard time in his life, and that I should never ask about her, or someone else, her name was...D...D... something that started with a "D" I don't remember " Brynna looked forward thoughtfully, and shrugged. "But something else happened too. " I told Brynna. "Mum and Dad are hiding something. A few nights ago, I woke up to get a drink, and I heard them whispering about someone...and torture... and then, yesterday, Dad and I went out for a day at the beach, and when we came back, they immediately went and locked themselves in the sick bay, and they didn't come out until this morning. What do you think that could be about?" Brynna looked down at the ground and shrugged.
"I... I... I have no clue." She stammered, turning red. I gasped, she was hiding something from me!
"You know something, don't you?" I said, narrowing my eyes. "You know something, and you're not telling me!"
"What? Of...of course not!" Brynna said, starting to step back, out of the room.
"You do" I replied, why wouldn't anyone tell me anything?! "I thought we were best friends! I thought we were supposed to tell each other everything!"
"We are." Brynna stammered, "But not this."
"Why?!" I was shouting now. "Why won't anybody tell me anything?! Why..." I was shaking with anger now, but Brynna held her ground. "Get out." I whispered. Brynna's eyes widened and got tears in them.
"No. Please don't make me." She whimpered.
"Out." I said again. Brynna burst into tears and ran out, I followed her to the console room, and watched as she ran out of the TARDIS, slamming the door behind her. I turned around to see my Dad behind me.
"Brookie, what was that about?" He said quietly, but I could tell he was fighting to keep control. "I heard shouting." I stuck out my hip determinedly
"I told her to leave." I said carefully, "She was being...unreasonable." I could see my Dad losing control. I took a step back, but it was too late.
"BROOKE!" he started shoutimg. I groaned. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! DON'T YOU REALIZE-" He cut himself off, stopping himself from saying...something."
"No, I don't, because no one will tell me anything!" I said back, my voice getting louder with each word. My Mum entered just then, but it was my Dad who shouted back.
"WHEN WILL YOU REALIZE, NOT EVERYTHING IS ABOUT YOU?! SOMETIMES, BROOKE, THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO NEED TO UNDERSTAND MORE THAN YOU DO!" At that, he sunk into his tattered old captains chair, holding his head In his hands. I huffed and stormed back into my room, leaving my Mum to calm down my Dad.

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