Choo Choo Ch'boogie

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   The rehearsal consists of  an hour and a half oh singing Choo Choo Ch'boogie over and over again. The guest artist is pretty cool, I guess. He reminds me of a quote frome one of my favorite actors, "Never meet your heroes. They won't be all they seem"   Nobody really talks to him much except for Bonnie, our pianist.
When all is said and done, we thank The guest artist and all walk back to our normal rehearsal room to talk about the performance on Friday.
  "You have to make sure that you come in on that third verse after his solo! I'm not going to be there so you have to remember yourselves. We should have someone who leads everyone into the third verse. Who wants to do  it that can remember to?" We all listen to Jen's lecture. I can tell that Kaisha wants to volunteer, but doesn't want to get shot down. Nobody answers so Jen chooses someone. "Hailey, why don't you do it?"
   "Oh. Er. Okay..." Of course, she picks Hailey. She usually chooses one of the altos. We all seperate to gather our things, I'm listening to the smooth jazz they always play softly over the speakers. Frank Sintra today, He's still on my list to meet. Dad's gennerally pretty good about getting me to iconic music people. Some of the prank Beethoven and I played, it was fantastic.
BUZZZZZZZZ!!!! I hear the high-pitched sound of Dad's sonic screwdriver blasting through the gigantic speakers. Speak of the devil.Everyone freaks out and puts their hands over their ears except for me. I just heave a heavy sigh. I really should have seen this coming. 
   "Can I go to the bathroom?" I say, glancing at the door.
   "Yeah sure." I walk out the door and make sure nobody's looking before running out the building and to the TARDIS.
   "Yes sweetheart?"
   "Next time you decide to eavesdrop, could you please just come into the building instead of blast the sonic screwdriver through the amplifiers? You made almost blasted everyone deaf.
   "Okay. Fine. I'll be a normal parent for once."
   "Good. Now I have to go back. They think I'm in the bathroom." I kiss my dad's cheek and jog back across the road and into the studio. As I walk in I notice Noelle and Kaisha sitting in the waiting area at the very front. Everyone else gone home. I sit next to Kaisha and Noelle on the couch by the big window.
   "What did I miss?"
   "Nothing really. We just went over it one more time and left." Noelle replies in her hoarse voice.
  "Do you need a ride?" Kaisha asks, joining the conversation.
   "No. I'm alright." She gives me a skeptical look, darn these overprotective friends!
  "You're always the last one to leave. How long do you stay after everyone's left?"
   "Not too long. Just a couple of minutes. My parents never seem to be able to be on time. which is ironic. Maybe one day I'll get my own... Ride..." Kaisha opens her mouth to say something, then closing it again. the open.

"Wait... Why is your parents being late ironic?" Crap. I'm always doing this. Slip of the tongue. My mind races for an excuse, 

"um... because they're clock makers..." The girls continue to look skeptical and confused. I pray for a way out. Just then the doors pull open to reveal a tall man with brown floppy hair and a bow tie. Huh.

"Dad!" I mumble under my breath.
"What did you say?" Kaisha looks at me weird. "Do you know him?" I sigh.
    "Yes." He's here to pick me up.
   "Is he your older brother or something?" Noelle looks very confused.
  Out of the frying pan into the fire. I rub my forehead.

 "No... He's my dad."

   "YOUR DAD?!" Noelle and Kaisha both exclaim at the same time. Making Noelle break into a coughing fit. "He must be in his mid twenties! That's mad!" Kaisha exclaims. Noelle's eyes look like they're going to pop out of her head. I shrug
"He's older than he looks." Dad decides to join in.
   "BROOKIE!" He yells, pointing at me. 
   "Ug! Dad!" I hide my face and the girls snicker.
   "Brynna is in the TARDIS. Just thought you might want to know."
   "What?! She is?!" I shoot up off the couch, all annoyance draining from me. "Bye guys!" I quickly wave before running into the TARDIS with my two friends staring.
A/N I finally updated! YES! I wanted to leave with a mini cliffhanger. How did I do? 
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