Shall I Continue This? (DBH Teaser)

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So I recently became infatuated with a PS4 game called Detroit: Become Human. I wrote this little reverse AU for fun with the plan to continue it. Really the only difference is that Connor is a human and Hank is an android. Connor is still a workaholic, obsessed with solving the case. Hank is still there to aid him and keep him from killing himself. The story mostly focuses on Connor, a bit on Hank and his journey to deviancy, and only mentions Markus and Kara when they cross paths with Connor and/or Hank. I have a lot of angsty ideas in store for Connor and his backstory, so let me know if this is something you're interested in reading. Otherwise, I'll just write it for myself and not publish it. PURELY FRIENDSHIP BTW!!!

Summary: Connor Anderson is the youngest lieutenant in Detroit and the best detective on the police force. Since his younger twin brother Richard was killed on the job, Connor hasn't had a partner since to keep him in check. When assigned to the deviant case, CyberLife sent an HK800 android named Hank to assist the young detective and protect him so that he doesn't fail his mission. As the case deepens into a fight for equal rights, the partners begin to wonder if they are on the right side (Loosely based on Bryan Dechart's Green Connor play through).

Prologue: The Hostage

     Ping. Ping. Ping. The young man flipped a silver quarter in rhythm with the bing of hitting each level. Ping, bing. Ping, bing. Ping, bing. He caught it in his palm and rolled it over his fingers. Gradually, the tricks grew more and more impressive as his nerves climbed with the elevator. He flicked the coin from one hand to the other quickly. He caught the edges of the coin between two fingers as the numbers finally stopped at 70, the top floor. The man slipped the coin into his pocket and adjusted his tie marginally as the doors slid open.

     He was greeted by the sight of a dark apartment complex. He could practically smell the green paper in the aquarium, tiled floor, and art displays. What he could literally smell was gun powder and a faint metallic tint of blood.

     A S.W.A.T. member stiffened by the door and touched his radio. "Negotiator on site. Repeat, negotiator on site."

     The S.W.A.T. officer hurriedly disappeared around a corner as if expecting the young detective to follow with the same haste. Instead, he took his time to gather clues.

     A framed photo caught the lieutenant's eye. He picked it up and studied it for a moment. A three member family beamed back at him. According to the file, the father is John Philips, the mother is Caroline, and the girl is their daughter Emma. They looked happy. Allowing the corner of his lip to lift slightly in a ghost of a smile, he put the frame back where he found it.

     He heard slapping on the wet, slick floor and bent down to investigate. A colorful fish from a tropical region, he assumed, flopped desperately in a puddle of water. The glass of the aquarium built into the wall was broken, slowly leaking water. Without thinking, he scooped the fish into his hand and dumped it into the half-filled tank. He watched the fish swim around happily for a moment before turning to continue searching for more clues.

     "No, stop... I... I... I can't leave her!"

     Before he could move, a S.W.A.T. member appeared, dragging a frantic woman toward the elevator. She stopped to cling to him, shaking his arms. Her nails bit into his flesh, but he didn't mind. He stared into her panicked face, her tears leaving streaks of mascara under her eyes.

     "Oh, oh, please, please, you gotta save my little girl," she pleaded.

     "Alright, ma'am. We need to go." The officer pulled her away.

     The detective watched them enter the elevator. Then he focused on finding Captain Allen. He found him in the master bedroom, bent over a computer and staring at the screen over the shoulder of one of his men. He was definitely agitated and on edge, judging by all the yelling on the phone he overheard. All the S.W.A.T. he passed by were itching to jump in and save the girl. No one, not even Mrs. Philips, had faith in the youngest lieutenant in the police force. He noticed it in her face and heard it in Captain Allen's words. Good thing he had his reputation to back him up.

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