My Favorite Chapter in The Heirs of Middle-earth

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I did some profile maintenance and unfortunately deleted some stories I was no longer interested in writing. Rest In Peace. Among these was the Legolas and Aragorn friendship story The Heirs of Middle-earth. While I still love their friendship and have ideas for how they met, I wasn't excited writing this fanfic anymore and the mixture of movie and book timelines irked me. I plan on writing another series where Legolas and Aragorn will meet in a more book compliant way. Therefore, The Heirs of Middle-earth was put to rest.

I did save my favorite chapter for your viewing pleasure. I love the slight humor and the meeting of Gandalf. I love how Aragorn goes into Ranger Chieftain mode and how Legolas wrestles with the responsibility of being both prince and soldier. Lastly, it finally makes references to The Lord of the Rings and the trouble brewing.

An important thing to note because it will now never be explained, Elrond has foreseen Aragorn and Legolas' friendship and has informed Elvenking Thranduil and Gandalf, which is why Thranduil advises his son to seek out a Ranger in the North and why Gandalf says the fate of Middle-earth may rely on this friendship, alluding to Aragorn's destiny and how Legolas will help him along the way.

Without further ado, I reintroduce you to the chapter titled:


2956 Third Age

Although the elements do not bother the Firstborn, Legolas was grateful for the cloak Aragorn insisted he wear. The muted, weatherbeaten material protected him from the sheen of rain pelting down upon them. The dirt road turned into mud, limiting Strider's movement while the Elf walked lightly on top of the thick mixture. He slowed down greatly for Strider's sake, but he hoped the man was leading them to a place of nearby shelter.

"We are almost to the town of Bree," the Ranger yelled over the wind in answer to Legolas' unasked question. "There is an inn where we can rest till the storm ceases."

"How well do they take to my kind?"

"Quite well, actually. It is the Rangers they are unsure about, but they know better than to cross one."

That did little to comfort the Elven warrior as he remembered what had happened with the Gwathuirim.

It was a black night. The clouds covered the moon and Elbereth's stars. Their only source of light was the faint, luminescent glow from the Elf. But Estel had spoken true and Legolas was able to lead them toward the town by the lights of Bree.

Suddenly, Legolas stopped and stood very still. He could sense something on the path ahead of them. Something powerful and ancient and oddly very familiar.

Strider, too focused on his own heavy strides, did not notice that Legolas had halted until the Elf gripped his shoulder firmly.

"What is it?"

"There is someone on the road ahead," Legolas answered as quietly as he could while still speaking over the wind. "I can see him now: a tall, robed figure."

"Is he armed?"

"I cannot tell. He might have a sword hidden behind his robes. I doubt he needs one, I sense a great power from him."

Strider loosened his sword from its sheath, but did not draw it fully. Legolas rested an arrow against the string.

"Does he know we are here?"

"It appears so, for he stands like he is waiting for us."

"Well, I suppose we must greet him, then."

They took only two steps forward when the man quickly started forward as if excited or aggressive. Legolas drew back his bowstring and aimed at the advancing figure, but something inside him hesitated to shoot.

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