DBH: Reverse Role AU

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Very recently, I dived head first into the Detroit: Become Human fandom without even playing the game (It's all Connor's fault). Since then, I've had many ideas for a reverse role AU after looking at some fan art of the same concept. I've already written two chapters of it, but my plan is to not publish it until it is done. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for you to see it. I'm just not as in a hurry and it's more for casual fun.

On the other hand, I can't wait to share my ideas on human!Connor and android!Hank. So I'm not going to. Don't be surprised that their personalities don't change very much. I couldn't do that to my Connor.

Contains spoilers for my future fanfic. If you don't want to be spoiled, don't read any further.

• Lieutenant Connor Anderson

• Born: 04/17/2013, which is Bryan Dechart's birthday (not the year); 25 years old

• Youngest lieutenant in Detroit and best detective, graduated top of his class

• Always keeps his appearance professional: White dress shirt, black tie with a clip, dark jeans, black leather belt, combed and slicked back hair, and a black police jacket when cold. However, there are certain clues of disheveled-ness: That one lock of hair that hangs over his forehead, rolling his sleeves above his elbows when working, dark circles under his eyes, etc.

• Severe workaholic. Sleep is for the weak. Forgets to take breaks. Not busy? Take another case. What are vacations? What are holidays? What are hobbies? Falls asleep at his desk. Would stay all night if he didn't have a dog to take care of. Captain Fowler has to force him to take leaves. Sickness is for the weak, too. Drinks like ten cups of coffee a day.

• He eats fairly healthy like salads and chicken and fruit, but often forgets to take meal breaks. On the other hand, he could probably eat five slices of pizza at a time.

• Has ADHD and anxiety. He cannot sit still and fidgets with a coin for both conditions. Is a smoke addict to calm his anxiety.

• The whole precinct is fond of their poster boy. They all call him "kid". He isn't really buddy-buddy with Detective Gavin Reed, but Gavin secretly worries for Connor's well-being as much as everyone else. Gavin's just jealous of Connor's speedy success.

• "I like dogs" is still true. He has a Husky puppy named Sumo back home that he rescued. Also has fish.

• Loved reading mystery books as a kid and still would if he didn't work so much.

• Doesn't have an issue with androids.

• Does have an issue, however, with getting a new partner since his first partner and brother was killed in action.

• Now that I have your attention, on to the nitty-gritty. Connor is the older twin. His brother's name is Richard, later nicknamed "Nines" due to his lucky number. They had just turned six when their parents were murdered and they were put into foster care. That's what made them want to be detectives for the Detroit Police. The foster care system was more corrupt than ever since no one wanted to adopt human children anymore. Android kids were cheaper in the long run and were perfect, obedient, and tempered. When the Anderson twins were old enough, they took maintenance jobs at the precinct to pay for school where they graduated with the highest grades. They bought a house together and rescued a dog. They became cops and Connor, the slightly better detective, climbed the ranks. Nines was proud of his brother and was assigned his partner. The two were the smoothest and quickest duo in the force until Richard was killed during an attempt to stop a red ice deal. Since then, Connor refused to take another partner.

• Reckless to the point of forgetting his well-being. Connor throws himself head first into danger, takes unnecessary risks, and has no sense of self-preservation. Captain Fowler wonders if it's suicidal tendencies, but Connor considers it part of the job. Really, he's unaware of his desire to go out like his brother (so no Russian Roulette for Connor).

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