Things You Learn as a Writer

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If you get stabbed, don't remove the blade. It's what's keeping most of the blood inside. Likewise, if you stab someone, don't leave the blade inside. It's keeping the victim alive.

How to... how to stutter... stutter properly.

On a gun, it's called a suppressor, not a silencer.

After being fired, guns are super hot. Don't touch the muzzle or barrel or shove it down the waistband.

There's a lot of nerve endings in your palm. Don't cut it to get blood like everybody else does in movies.

You don't fence with a broadsword.

Blood bounces on snow because of the major temperature difference.

How to kick down a door properly.

Salt can be used to stem bleeding and has antiseptic properties.

When you get punched in the nose, your eyes water a lot.

There is no muzzle flash when a gun fires. Hollywood lies.

How to shoot an arrow.

The different kinds of bows and when to use them.

Random facts about wolves that I have yet to use.

How to trauma and PTSD.

How to make up a language.

The difference between a blacksmith, swordsmith/knifemaker, farrier, whitesmith, coppersmith, silversmith,  and armorers (So Will Turner is technically a swordsmith, not a blacksmith).

Wear gloves so you don't leave fingerprints while snooping around.

That the average person has up to five liters of blood in their body, but can have as much a eight. Losing about a liter and a half means they're probably going to be okay, but two liters means there's a good chance they're gonna die. If they lose two and a half, pray to God.

How to write bilingual characters.

How alcohol tastes and feels (I asked my mom! I did not try it for the sake of research!).

Different mental illnesses.

How to ride a horse.

How hard it is to break someone's neck (thanks to Barry Allen).

What color whisky is. Yeah, I had to look that up. It's brown by the way. And the longer it is fermented in the barrel, the darker it gets.

That Your Highness is used for princes and princesses. Your Majesty is used for kings, queens, emperors, and empresses.

Different muscle tension caused by different emotions.

Bodies float but not if the lungs are punctured.

It's not unheard of for a corset to stop a knife or even a bullet if it's a steel corset. Whalebone and steel corsets have saved women a few times in history. 

And probably a lot more.

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