Yelena Deleted Scene

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In A Different Call, Yelena Belova breaks into her sister's apartment to congratulate her on a job well done and to inform her that she was leaving the country on a mission. Since this chapter was written shortly before Black Widow was released, I had no idea Yelena and Natasha never saw each other between the Ohio mission as kids and the Black Widow film. As much as I love this scene, I decided to cut it for canon compliance. While it may be deleted, it is not lost. Here is your Yelena cameo:

Upon entering her apartment, Natalia released a sigh of contentment as she allowed herself to finally relax. She removed her black heels at the door and silently walked further in on stocking feet. She squinted into the pitch black darkness. As her hand hovered over the light switch, Natalia heard a voice.

"I thought you were better than that."

In a heartbeat, Natalia flipped the light switch and pointed her gun at the source of the voice. She blinked a few times to adjust to the lighting before she recognized who it was, sighed, and lowered her weapon.

"Yelena, you know better than to scare me like that."

Lounging in the red armchair, Yelena Belova smiled. "And you know better than to let your guard down, my sister."

She was dressed for mission in the traditional black uniform loaded with weapons. Her long blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She was roughly the same height and build as Natalia, though four years younger.

Natalia set her gun on the small dinning table. "Not that it isn't nice to see you, but what are you doing here?"

The blonde assassin moved silently into the kitchen, then joined her at the table with a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses. "To congratulate you on another job well done."

"Madame B told you?"

Yelena nodded as she poured the beverage. "She extends her congratulations."

Natalia picked up a shot, propping her elbow casually against the glass surface. "It wasn't much of a feat. The target was way too gullible... and drunk."

The girl she considered a sister raised her glass. "You are too modest." In unison, the assassins tipped back their drinks down their throats. Glass met glass table with a loud tap.

As Natalia swallowed, she noticed Yelena eyeing her critically.

"Melina would not like your slouching."

The elder sister straightened her back indignantly. "I'm not slouching."

Yelena huffed a laugh. She began to roll the bottom of her glass against the table. It made a mesmerizing sound. Then it stopped.

"I didn't just come to visit. I'm also here to say goodbye. The KGB is sending me out of the country on a mission. I'll be gone for a couple months."

"So soon after you finished your training?"

Yelena nodded. "Madame B says I'm ready."

Natalia digested this. Despite her mild surprise, pride for her surrogate sister welled up inside her. She gripped the vodka bottle and refilled their glasses. She raised her shot for a toast. "To good luck."

Her sister smirked as she raised her own drink. "You and I both know luck doesn't exist."

"To your skills, then."

Yelena nodded with satisfaction and they both downed their shots. Once they finished, the younger assassin stood.

"I should be going. Goodnight, sister."

Natalia rose as well and walked her to the door. "Goodnight."

Yelena didn't make a sound as she walked down the carpeted hallway. Natalia closed the door behind her and secured the three locks.

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