a concept i came up with at 5 am

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"We lost two more cruisers!"

"Engines are failing!"

"Droids have breached the hull!"

"Hyperdrive's down!"

"We're losing altitude! Entering the atmosphere!"

"Sir! We lost the shields!"

"Admiral, your orders, sir?"

"This battle is lost. Take the escape pods. Live to fight another day."

"What about you, sir?"

"An admiral must go down with his ship."


"That's an order, Captain!"

"...Sir. Yes, sir."

Captain Rex awoke, the sounds of battle and destruction fading from his ringing ears. He grimaced for the pounding in his skull and the aches in his body. His mouth felt like it was filled with the red dust of Geonosis. His usually sharp mind was scattered, unable to grasp onto a singular thought.

With some difficulty, he pried his eyelids apart and squinted against the light. Through the blurred haze, he made out a domed roof decorated with faded paintings. He tried to move, but found his muscles were too stiff and his right arm had been wrapped and secured to his bare chest by a sling. With a huff of frustration, Rex instead studied the artwork above idlely as his vision cleared.

A sudden stab to his cheek startled him. He slowly turned his head and nearly jumped at the sight of a young Togruta girl staring at him with wide blue eyes. Her skin was a vibrant orange, interrupted by white tattoos adorning her face. Blue and white striped horns sat atop her head. The pattern carried around each side of her face down to her chest, ending in two tips.

Rex had seen very few Togruta in his short lifetime and couldn't help the long gaze. She seemed to be studying him in return, her youthful eyes noting every detail. They stayed there for a moment, breathing and looking.

The peace was broken when the girl whipped her head around and called out, "Master! He's awake!"

Rex winced at the loud, abrupt noise. At her call, another Togruta entered the small hut. Unlike the young Togruta, this one was a fully grown woman with long headtails ending at her waist and horns curved high above her head. Her skin took a more reddish hue and her facial markings looked more mature.

The Togruta the girl called "Master" knelt beside the thin yet soft mat he lay on. Rex was not very learned about the galaxy, but he thought it strange someone would own a slave of their own race.

The older Togruta felt his brow with a cool hand before chiding the younger one, "It's not nice to be loud beside someone who is injured and has recently awoken, Padawan. Go now, your Master is searching for you."

  She has two masters? What's a Padawan?

The girl's dark lips formed a pout, but she bowed respectfully to her elder before dashing out of the house.

The remaining Togruta shook her head fondly after the youth before returning her attention to him. "Drink, soldier."

She slipped a strong arm underneath his back and helped him sit up while raising a cup of water to his lips. The captain drank greedily until the cup was withdrawn and he was eased back onto the pillow.

"My men..." Rex croaked as soon as his mouth was wet enough to speak.

"They're fine," she assured him in a soothing voice. This woman was evidently practiced in bedside manner. "We found all your survivors and they are being cared for."

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