Behind the Scenes of My First Fanfic

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When I first discovered fanfiction a little over three years ago, I was currently watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I was fascinated by it and I dreamed up all of these super dramatic plots for potential episodes, usually about my favorite character of all time, Ahsoka Tano, getting hurt (there can never be too much whump, am I right?).

So when I downloaded Wattpad, I immediately began to release it all from the trap. It was the first fanfic I wrote and the first I finished. I called it He Returned For Me, which has double meanings.

I used the word "Return" because the English class I have been taking for seven years now has a list of banned words. "Came" is one of them. Because I didn't want to break the rules that were hardwired into me, I used the word "Return" instead of "Came Back." It still would have been a sucky title.

The double meaning behind the title is that the Zygerrian from her past found her again, and Anakin came to rescue her. Stang, this plot is so bad...

The first chapter and the plot is based off of Ahsoka's origin story. An episode that was never aired and will not be aired in the new and final season, sadly, Ahsoka was discovered to be a Force-sensitive in Shili. Being roughly three years old, she was a late bloomer, but she was the pride of her people and they hoped she would choose to become a Jedi. A female slaver disguised as a Jedi came to claim her, all sweet and kind like a kidnapper with a white van and candy, but Ahsoka didn't trust her. Then Master Plo Koon appeared all scary and instructed the child to choose. It was the classic "don't judge a book by its cover" routine. Obviously, she chose Master Plo. All we get to see of this on screen is the intro of The Gathering where we see toddler Ahsoka accepting Plo Koon's hand.

I changed the story up a bit. I made the slaver a Zygerrian (she could have been in the episode, but I'm just assuming) and a male. And of course, the slaver left her alone after that.

My writing was awful back then. I want to throw up in my mouth every time I look at it. I've also grown plot-wise since then. Although I still love writing whump, but it's no longer plotless pain. Injury is no longer the main plot unless it's a filler fanfic. It's more interesting to think of a suspenseful, meaningful plot and serve up some physical pain along the way.

But you guys still seem to like He Returned For Me. I get notifications on it everyday. It currently has over 37.6 thousand reads, which is amazing. Thank you, guys, for supporting me and my book, even though I don't know how you can stomach it.

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