Chapter 4: Destiny's Play

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Days passed, and only memories remained. Seasons changed, but the heart didn't. Bringing forth new jubilant vibes, autumn rushed in unannounced. The swift breeze carried the dried-up, dull leaves, scattering them on the ground, rigorously messing up the roads and surrounding areas. Flocks of migratory birds soared above the sky, signalling the changing of tides brought on by the coming of a new season.

Four months passed since Evelyn left the village to live with her new husband in the city. She never came back for her daughter. Claire's health had deteriorated significantly after Evelyn left. Leyon was left to do whatever he could to keep their small family alive and well, but he never complained. On the bright side, he was warming up to people. Claire believed it was due to Hikari. Leyon was slowly transitioning back to the lively kid he once used to be.

"Granny? Are you going somewhere today?" Leyon asked, seeing his grandmother all dressed up, holding a bright red umbrella.

"I want to go out in the fields today and see what the villagers are doing. It's October, it's the harvest season after all," Claire replied quite happily.

Leyon nodded wordlessly. His grandmother had been telling him that she'd been feeling under the weather lately and didn't want to go out. To see her suddenly get dressed and ready to go outside in such good mood surprised him. It seemed like she was out of her depressed state for the time being, and he couldn't be any happier.

"You should stop watering the plants and go play as a kid should," Claire ordered her grandson. "Stop being serious all the time."

"It's okay, granny. I can manage." Leyon smiled.

Claire shook her head in disappointment. "This kid. Acting like a grown-up. So, you can manage without me now, eh?" Claire taunted, putting her hands on her hips.

"That's not what I meant, granny," Leyon tried to explain but ran out of words.

"I'm kidding." Claire laughed and patted Leyon on the head.

"That's mean, granny." Leyon sulked. "There's one thing I know though!" he exclaimed, suddenly brightening up. Claire looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to go on. "I know granny will stay here with me for a long, long time. Maybe till I'm forty... Nah that's too short." Leyon counted with his little fingers. "... fifty, sixty?!"

Claire chuckled. "You think granny is immortal? I can't stay with you that long. But I promise I'll stay with you for a long time, long enough to see you grow up and start a family of your own. So don't worry, dear. But are you sure you won't get tired of this old lady later?" she teased.

"No! Of course not!"

"Okay then. Granny should get going. I'll cook your favourite dish for dinner when I return." Claire said, opening her umbrella and preparing to leave.

"Bye granny." Leyon waved from the back as he watched Claire leave.

"Bye, dear. Don't stay in the house all day. Go and play with Hikari," Claire shouted from the distance.




"You call this food?" Hikari's father snapped, kicking the bowl of rice from the table. "Only pigs would eat that."

But you are a pig, Hikari thought, annoyed at her father's childish behaviour. She quietly cleaned up the spilt bowl of rice from the floor without casting her father a glance. Even after her mother left, there was no change in her father's lifestyle or behaviour whatsoever, always wasting his days drinking and gambling, sometimes beating her up and wreaking havoc in the house depending on his mood. Hikari had to learn to do everything by herself now that her mother was gone: cooking, cleaning, and managing the household while putting up with her worthless father. But grandma Claire was always there to teach and help her though she couldn't do much about her father.

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