Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

The next morning.

After Grayson put oil on Emily's bottom after she came out of the shower, she got dress in her uniform for school.

Grayson: I feel sorry for you having to sit on hard desk today. My advice don't get in trouble at school
Emily: then you shouldn't have punished me
Grayson: I wasn't going to allow you to get away with it Emily and I didn't punish you, it was Cameron and Ethan who did
Emily: Cameron was just going to use her hands but you wouldn't let her
Grayson: when was the last time you learned anything with just hand spanking
Emily: *squirms* when I didn't do my chores you told me no more hand spanking straight to the paddle
Grayson: and did you get out of trouble since then
Emily: no...
Grayson: you should have token my threat wisely young lady
Emily: daddy was never this mean *pouts*
Grayson: you think I'm being mean? Dad was your little girl, you except him to go hard on you all the time, he couldn't do that, you know what he told me and E. He told us before he gone to be more stricter on you because you like to talk yourself out of a spanking. Is he wrong or not wrong?
Emily: *frowns* he was right
Grayson: *smack her butt* don't ever say I'm being mean to you again, I just want what's best for you that's all, and the paddle seems to be working the best
Emily: *rubs butt* yes sir, can I have my phone?
Grayson: no, your grounded from your phone for 3 days
Emily: how am I supposed to call you if I want to stay after school?
Grayson: that won't be an issue because you're coming home straight after school
Emily: yes sir
Grayson: I told you young lady I was being more strict on the rules with you and you didn't believe me
Emily: I believe you now
Grayson: good, you did your homework?
Emily: yeah I did it with Symonne yesterday and Cameron helped me with the rest
Grayson: you sure? Because if I get any bad report from your teachers saying you have not turned in your assignments you're in trouble
Emily: *gulps* yes sir
Grayson: go on now go eat breakfast the bus will be here any minute

Emily nods and gets her school bag and headed to the kitchen with Grayson.

Cameron: good morning Emily
Emily: good morning Cameron

Emily grabs pillow and puts it on her chair and wince sitting down.

Cameron noticed and feels bad but doesn't say anything.

Cameron: I made oat meal today
Emily: thanks
Ethan: *comes in* good morning family
Cameron: good morning, why are you in a good mood
Ethan: my girlfriend moving in
Emily: oh yeah Kristina, I missed her
Cameron: it's going to be fun having another girl around here
Emily: I just realize something *points finger at the boys* your going to be out numbered! Your going to be out numbered!
Cameron: oh yeah
Ethan: oh great a house full of women
Cameron/Emily: excuse me
Ethan: not that you two are awful, I just hate that Grayson and I will be the only guy in the house
Cameron: plus you have to respect us girl
Emily: yeah like leaving the toilet seat down
Ethan: Grayson...
Grayson: why are you blaming me?
Ethan: cause I have a girlfriend and I know how to respect her when it comes to that
Grayson: *roll eyes*

*bus honk*

Emily: that's my ride *takes one more bite and grabs lunch* bye family
Grayson: bye, come home straight after school
Ethan: and stay out of trouble
Emily: yes sir *leaves*

Jenna: *comes up to her with her with Mae* (Emily Dobson is going to be called Mae Dobson for now because I didn't want them to have the same name) where have you been, we called you this morning
Emily: Ethan took my phone for the next 3 days
Mae: why?
Emily: because I was caught on the phone with Sophie last night and admitted to talking to her for 3 nights
Jenna: great going Emily
Emily: I didn't know one of them was going to check on me tonight, oh no
Jenna: what?
Emily: Gavin and Coco are at it again
Mae: I wonder what they're fighting about now
Jenna: probably another break up again
Symonne: *comes over* hey what are you guys watching?
Emily: Gavin and Coco fight, it's been an on going thing
Jenna: here's the "I never want to see you again"
Coco: and I never want to see you again! *brush past Gavin*
Emily: *rolls eyes* that girl going to go back to him in a week, just watch
Symonne: *confused* isn't it weird to watch this back and forth thing, like ya'll are so into their relationship
Jenna: everyone knows that Gavin and Coco are the most toxic couple in the 7th graders even the seniors and juniors knows about them
Mae: yeah I'm pretty sure the teacher in the teacher lounge are betting on it too
Emily: I'm going to go talk to him *walks over to him*
Symonne: what's wrong with Emily?
Jenna: she used to have a crush on Gavin
Mae: yeah and then it got messy because Coco asked him out before she could plus her brothers won't allow her to date so young anyways Symonne: oh... poor Emily
Emily: *to Gavin* hey... so I saw you and Coco break up... again...
Gavin: it's over
Emily: what?
Gavin: it's officially over, we're done she dump me for good
Emily: why, what happened?
Gavin: why does this keep happening to me, first I lose all my friends and now my girlfriend. I'm all alone *sob in Emily shoulder*
Emily: uh... their, their everything going to be okay

Emily rubs his back awkwardly and looks over at her friends worried.

Emily's Struggles (Book 2) : The Life of Emily DolanWhere stories live. Discover now