Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Emily's POV
Being grounded sucks already. I know it hasn't been that long but I miss my friends. I mean I could still play my video games and other things, but no access to the internet to be able to talk to my friends.

I sigh playing animal crossing on my switch on my tv in my room on my swing, bored. I was only grounded from electronics like access to the internet. I wasn't allowed to contact Sophie or see my friends.

*hears knock on the door*

Emily: come in
Grayson: *comes in* Emily, I want to apologize from earlier. I know you may think I'm being harsh, but I'm doing this to protect you
Emily: I know
Grayson: alright pizza here, come eat

I saved my game before following Gray out of my room to have dinner.

About a week later. Sophie came to my window and knocked, she looked upset.

Emily: Sophie, what are you doing here? Im grounded
Sophie: I know, but I have something important to tell you
Emily: *helps her comes in* what is it?
Sophie: *tears comes to her eyes* my mom making us move
Emily: what?! She can't do that can she?
Sophie: yeah she can. It's just not fair you know. I don't want to leave, I like it here
Emily: where is she making you move?
Sophie: Alaska
Emily: Alaska!
Sophie: her job transferred her to a new location
Emily: what about school?
Sophie: they have schools in Alaska Emily
Emily: and us?
Sophie: I don't know, that's why I'm mad at my mom about it. I tried to tell her to let me stay with you but she said that it would be too much of a hassle for Gray and Ethan to watch 2 girls
Emily: how long do I have with you?
Sophie: we leave Saturday, my mom didn't want to leave during school
Emily: so soon
Sophie: I know, I'm sorry
Emily: *cries in her arm* I don't want to lose you! You're the first friend I made here
Sophie: *crying as well* I know I'm sorry but my mom-

Just then Grayson enters my room.

Grayson: what the- Emily? Sophie? *confused* What happened? Why are you two crying?
Emily: *sniffles* Sophie came over to tell me that she's moving
Grayson: oh honey, I'm sorry
Emily: I don't want to lose my best friend

Grayson pulls me into his arm.

Grayson: shhhh, shhh it's okay. I know, I know.

After the others left me alone for a while, I finally walked out of my room wrapped in a blanket still probably have redness in my eyes from crying. I found Ethan on the couch, and he motion for me to come sit with him and I did and lay my head on him.
Ethan: Gray told me what happened, are you okay?
Emily: *shakes head and sniffles* no sir
Ethan: you wanna watch tv? Maybe it will get your mind off things
Emily: E? Have you ever lost your best friend
Ethan: yeah you know the situation that happened with the sister squad right?
Emily: yeah, would you ever tell someone what happened
Ethan: well it's up to Grayson if he wants to speak on it
Emily: oh...
Ethan: everything going to be okay baby girl. I know losing a friend but  you can do the long distance thing right
Emily: I guess so, but it wont be the same as living next door
Ethan: yeah I know, I love you always
Emily: I love you too E *hugs him* you and Gray never leave me. I lost to many people already
Ethan: *sighs* of course baby girl *

Ethan's Inner Monologue
I know I shouldn't promise that because one day the two of us may not be here but I don't want to explain that to her right now, it's bad enough she's going through a lot especially with losing dad and now her best friend.

When Saturday rolled around it was time for Emily to say goodbye to the Fergi.

Emily: *hugging Sophie crying* I'm going to miss you
Sophie: *crying also* I'm going to miss you too
Miss. Fergi: come on Sophie it's time to head to the airport
Sophie: no mom, I'm not leaving Emily, I'm taking her with me
Emily: yay!  How can you say no to that
Grayson: I'll say it tor her, no
Emily: but Grayson
Grayson: no Emily, you can make others friends
Emily: easy for you to say, you ditched all your old friends when you guys were at a dark place. I'm not doing that with Sophie

Grayson gives her look.

Grayson: I never said that Emily, and you know it. I'm still allowing you to contact Sophie, right?

Emily: yeah... but it won't be the same
Ethan: I know honey but it's time to move on, plus Sophie can come back and visit anytime
Emily: really?
Ethan: if that's okay with Miss. Fergi
Miss. Fergi: of course it is
Emily/Sophie: yay!
Miss. Fergi: alright girls let go
Emily/Sophie: no!

Both girls refused to hug. So Miss. Fergi grabbed Sophie's leg and Grayson did the same with Emily while holding her torse.

Grayson: Emily let go!
Emily: no!

Grayson sigh and smack her butt making Emily let go and yelp and was dangling in Gray's arm

Emily: ow! *gets put down* That's so cruel!

Grayson: it got you to let go didn't it
Emily pouts and wraps her arm around Ethan's waste and Sophie waves goodbye as her mom carried her to the car. 

Emily watched her only friend drive away with her friend, she started crying and buried her face in Ethan shirt. He sighs and lift her up in his arm and rubbed her back shh her as well as Grayson.

Emily's Struggles (Book 2) : The Life of Emily DolanWhere stories live. Discover now