Chapter 12

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Warning: Spanking in this chapter! If you don't like, don't read!

Chapter 12:

Emily and Gavin were talking outside the school under her favorite spot. They were both on break.

Emily: so... how is everything?
Gavin: bad, I have no friends anymore and I'm all alone
Emily: hey... you got me?
Gavin: *smiles and wipes tears* yeah I do

They both looked at each other and Gavin went to lean in to kiss him but Emily stopped him.

Emily: Gavin, stop. I'm with Lev
Gavin: since when?
Emily: since yesterday, we made it official. We are not boyfriend and girlfriend tho since my family won't allow me to date, we are just crushing on each other until Im old enough
Gavin: alright, you wanna ditch school
Emily: bad idea because my brothers would literary murder me
Gavin: how about after?
Emily: can't, I have to go home straight after school for the next 3 days because I have no phone
Gavin: are you really going to listen to your brothers the rest of your life?
Emily: I kind of have no choice they're my guardians until I'm 18 and according to Grayson if they don't like our rules then I'm not staying under their roof because if I move out they can't control me anymore
Gavin: then move back home with your mom
Emily: I can't because she is the one who brought me here in the first place. Plus if I moved back in with her she won't treat me like her kid she will treat me like someone else is child, also I won't be able to see you guys if I moved back home
Gavin: gotcha, just explain to your brothers about how controlling they're
Emily: I can't because then they will say "you may not understand right now but when you're older you will" or their favorite line "we are just looking after you"
Gavin: yeah your brothers are control freaks
Emily: yeah, but they're mine control freaks and I have to live with it for the next 5 years of my life
Gavin: what's the worst they could do, grounded you?
Emily: uh...
Gavin: what Emily? What else do they do to you, do they hurt you?
Emily: no, they don't abuse me. It's kind of embarrassing to talk about, but how embarrassing can it be since you go to this school now
Gavin: *confuse*
Emily: *sighs taking deep breath* my brothers spank me
Gavin: that's abuse
Emily: no it's not! Some people may think it's abuse but they were not raise in a spanking home like I was. They only do it on the butt area, they never use their anger on me when discipline me, they always talk to me about it and confront me afterwards. Spanking does not cause physical pain to the child, those people are wrong and were raise the wrong way. The only time they spank me is when I truly deserve it, they don't spank me to cause me pain, they do it because they want what's best for me
Gavin: alright, but that's not how my mom sees it
Emily: oh really, you do realize you're at a spanking school right
Gavin: what?!
Emily: I told Grayson nobody reads the manual *laugh*
Gavin: but my mom would never
Emily: maybe she would never spank you but she would rather have someone else do it for her. Or maybe you're lucky and your mom didn't sign the form
Gavin: but I never get in trouble, okay maybe that's a lie but I never gotten in trouble at school
Emily: I did for cheating
Gavin: did it hurt
Emily: of course it hurt Gavin, it's a spanking punishment for a reason
Gavin: sorry I didn't know, I never been spanked before
Emily: just don't get in trouble in school and you won't find out. So enough about spanking, how are things between you and Coco?
Gavin: I think it's officially over
Emily: oh come on, you two have been doing this on and off thing since the day I you got together. Have you ever thought that maybe you two aren't right for each other and maybe you two are too young to be in a relationship together and should take a step back and focus on yourself
Gavin: for someone whose never been in a relationship before seems to have pretty good advice
Emily: *roll eyes and shoves him lightly* whatever
Security: *comes out* shouldn't you two be in class
Gavin: on a break sir
Security: well you shouldn't be off the campus area, it's against the rules. Emily?
Emily: *hiding behind the tree and gulps* hi sir
Security: I know for sure this isn't your break time, don't you have gym?
Emily: uh...
Gavin: you know him?
Emily: yeah... I was caught by him once for skipping class
Security: well
Emily: I'm sorry. I know I promise I wouldn't cut again, but Gavin really wanted to talk to me
Gavin: Em, it could have waited after school
Emily: I can't you know I have to head home straight after school
Security: Gavin, give me a minute to speak with Emily alone
Gavin: *looks between them* okay...

Once Gavin left, Emily went to make a run for it but the security caught her and spank her a dozen time.

Emily: ow! Ow! Let me go you fucking bastard! *struggling against him*
Security: *has a tight hold against her* not until I get my point across young lady *starts to pull skirt down*
Emily: *stops him* you have no rights!
Security: *pulls it down anyways* if a student isn't where they're supposed to be and is caught by the facility member, they have the rights as long as the parents sign permission slipped
Emily: what if mines didn't huh?
Security: *still spanking Emily over his arm* Emily, you and I know both know this isn't the first time you have been caught by me
Emily: I hate this stupid school, and I hate you! I wish my brothers never put me in here!
Security: well that's something you would have to discuss with them not me
Emily: fuck you! *spits in his face*

Security wipe his face and pulled her panties and proceed to spank her on her bare behind.

Emily: ow! Pleaseeee.... I'm sorry
Security: *still spanking* it's a little too late for that

After the spanking the security dragged her into the school building toward the Dean office as she continued to fight him.

Emily: this isn't fair, why am I being punished for!

Emily said arguing with the Dean of the school.
Principal: Miss. Dolan, this isn't your first time skipping class. Remember what I told you next time you were cutting
Emily: n-no...
Principal: yeah you do. I told you you were going to be suspended for a couple of days and that I was going to call your brothers next time you got in trouble
Emily: *cross arm* I'm not scared of my brothers
Grayson: *listen by the door and cross arm* you should be
Emily: *frozen and turns in her seat* hi Grayson...
Grayson: I'm not a mood with you right now Emily, apologize and watch your attitude
Emily: *mumbles* I'm sorry

Emily stayed quiet the whole time as Grayson and the principal talked about her behavior. Emily slide down in her chair when she felt their eyes on her anytime they mentioned her name.

Emily's Struggles (Book 2) : The Life of Emily DolanWhere stories live. Discover now