Chapter 15

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Almost done with this box. I didn't want this book to be so long, anyways here's the chapter!

Chapter 15

The twins and Cameron flew in the next morning and their mom went to pick them up at the airport. They arrive home and Grayson said.

Grayson: where's Emily?
Lisa: she's sleeping with her mother in Cameron's old bedroom
Grayson/Ethan/Cameron: *confused* what?
Lisa: didn't she tell you guys?
Grayson: yes we are just surprised about how she warmed up to her so fast
Lisa: I was surprised too, but Emily was only 6 years old when her mother left her so she still remember some bits of part. But your father and I had to see someone so she forgets about the trauma she had experience
Ethan: forget? Mom what do you mean by that
Lisa: *sighs* your father thought her mother had abused her so he made her forget about all her trauma she was put through, that's why Emily doesn't remember much about her
Grayson: you guys wiped her memory? Without her permission
Lisa: it wasn't anything like that
Cameron: it sound exactly like that. Mom I can't believe you and dad would do that to Emily. Keep her away from her mother
Lisa: we thought she was abusive
Cameron: did you see any signs of abuse?
Lisa: no... but
Cameron: you can't just throw that word around mom without any evidence
Lisa: it wasn't like real violence abuse, it was more like exploiting her on the internet. Boys remember we showed you the situation between her and her mother that got a lot of attention on the internet
Ethan: yeah but that wasn't really that bad mom
Lisa: it shouldn't have been recorded to begin with so your father and I got our lawyers involved and we did anything we could to save Emily from that situation
Emily: *heard everything* what?

They all turned around to find that Emily has been listening in.

Lisa: oh god, Emily, how much have you heard?
Emily: everything! I can't believe you and dad did that!
Lisa: we did it for your own good. All you kept wanting was your mother
Emily: because you kept her away from me! Of course I wanted my mother
Lisa: Emily...
Emily: don't, is that why you gave me up?
Lisa: no I gave you up because I felt guilty for having to lie to you all these years. I couldn't do anymore so I had to send you to your brothers
Emily: I can't believe this, so you been pretending to be my mother so I can forget
Lisa: honey you have to understand
Emily: no- don't! I can't believe you would do this to me! I hate you! *storms out back*
Grayson: Emily! Get back here!
Cameron: *stops him* Grayson let me, you need to calm down before you talk to her

Cameron goes outside and find Emily on one of the patio swing.

Emily: go away
Cameron: Emily please, let's talk
Emily: *sighs* fine, sit

Cameron sat next to her.

Cameron: I'm sorry you have been having a crummy weak
Emily: hmph
Cameron: getting suspended, flying all the way here without our permission and finding out all these secrets
Emily: I wish I never came here. I wish I wasn't born
Cameron: hey don't say that. I'm glad you're born. Or else I wouldn't have a an amazing sister like you
Emily: *smile at her with tears running down her face* really?
Cameron: really *wipes her tears* honey I'm so sorry our parents put you through all this
Emily: it's not your fault, it's not like you knew anything that happened
Cameron: I can't believe they kept this from us
Emily: I know, Cameron...
Cameron: yeah?
Emily: would Ethan and Grayson be mad if I moved in with my mom
Cameron: Emily I don't think that's such a great idea
Emily: why not?
Cameron: because your mother lost rights to take care of you. Why do you want to live with your mother anyways?
Emily: I want my little sister or brother to grow up with their older sister. I want to keep an eye on my mom to make sure she doesn't emotional hurt like, like she did with me
Cameron: ah I see, but I'm sure your mom will do a great job in raising your sibling. She won't make the same mistake twice. This is probably her second chance at life to do better
Emily: you think the boys will let me visit? I don't want my sibling to ever forget me
Cameron: of course
Emily: thanks Cameron, and can we keep the whole I want to live with my a mom secret for now. I don't want to worry the boys
Cameron: *sighs* alright as long as you don't run away again
Emily: I won't
Cameron: that's my girl *hugs her*
Emily: *sighs* how much trouble am I in with the boys?
Cameron: Grayson was beyond pissed, luckily Ethan was able to calm him down
Emily: I'm dead, I promise Gray a while ago I wouldn't steal from him again. He's going to kill me
Cameron: he won't kill you Em, Ethan and I won't let him.
Emily: *sighs heavily* okay

Both girls walk back into the house, when they did Ethan and Gray looked up when the girls walked in and Gray stood up but Ethan held him back as Emily accidentally back up into Cameron.

Ethan: Grayson... you promise

Grayson count down to 10 in his head and relaxed.

Grayson: alright, you better explain yourself fast. What possessed you to leave crossed state without our permission
Emily: *shrugs shoulder* I don't know *screech, hide behind Cameron* Ethan!
Ethan: *holds him back* Grayson!
Grayson: *angry and glares at her* say I don't know one more time, watch what happens!
Emily: *scared hiding behind Cameron* I'm sorry... I don't know what else to say without you guys getting mad at me
Grayson: *takes deep breath* I'm not mad
Emily: if you're not mad then why are the veins in your forehead pop out like that
Ethan: *sighs* he's not mad Em. Grayson was just scared
Emily: scared of what?
Ethan: losing you
Emily: oh... I didn't realize
Grayson: well now you know, what if the plane crashed?
Emily: it didn't
Grayson: what if Emily, is the key word. We wouldn't have any idea where you were
Emily: I'm sorry... it wont happen again. Am I in trouble?
Grayson: yes you're, but Ethan and I are going to have to think about your punishment. This is unforgivable and it's going to be a while until you can gain all our trust back
Emily: *tears roll down her face* I'm sorry *hugs Grayson* please forgive me, I can't stand when you guys are made at me

Ethan and Gray looked at each other and sigh.

Gray: fine will think of another punishment and hopefully you will follow the rules to them
Emily: thank you Gray *hugs him*
Gray: anytime baby sister. I don't want to stay mad at you, but I don't know what else to do. You just won't listen
Emily: I'm sorry
Ethan: Emily go to your room while we discuss your punishment
Emily: I don't have a room here
Ethan: well go back to the room you were assigned too
Emily: *sniffles* yes sir *leaves*
Grayson: what are we going to do about that one
Ethan: *sighs* I don't know

The young adults thought of a better solution to discipline Emily.

Emily's Struggles (Book 2) : The Life of Emily DolanWhere stories live. Discover now