Chapter One

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My eyes were closed. And then they popped open. It was white. Just a white space. I couldn't tell you how big or small it was because I didn't know.

I wore a bohemian white dress, that had lace throughout it. It was a skater type dress with clung to my top half and flared at my waist. The sleeves were just lace. My hair was down and I was barefoot.

"Is this what deaths like?" I say to myself.

"No sweetheart, it's not."

I quickly turn around at the sound of that voice. The only voice I had heard for a constant 25 years.

She had short brown hair, white pants and a white shirt. She had my ears and my nose. I started to cry and then I ran into her arms.

"I missed you too sweetheart," She whispered and held onto me tight. She kissed my forehead and I could feel her smile. I pulled away and looked into her eyes. She wiped the tears away.

"So where am I mum?"

"You're in the place between the living and the dead. You go through this area to decided whether you can make it through, what your body is telling you to do. And if you and your body don't want to live, it fails. Your systems fail and you fade. You fade into the other side."

"Do you want me to join you?" I looked away and started walking around the space.

"No Isla, I want you to live your life. You are too young and you are not ready to die!"

"But I was betrayed by Edward and Olivia and now Phillip. And I find out that Jonathon's in on this as well. I can't trust anyone. I don't know why I should live anymore mum."

"Isla, sweetie," She walks over to me and holds both of my hands. "You need to fight for what you believe in. You need to fight for your life. Sure things happen, how do you think I felt when your father told me he was leaving for Ireland. And then I found out he wanted a divorce.

"We fell out of love Isla, your father and I fell out of love. The only reason we were together was because of you. I should have told you that and I should have let you visit him. And visit you. But I was just jealous and selfish. I don't want you to turn out like that. I know you, I know who you are. Remember I raised you."

I laugh at that comment.

"I missed that laugh. I don't want you to join me until your old and dying. Not now."

"Then how do I get back to the living world?"

She kisses my forehead and holds onto my hands.

"Close you eyes."

I close my eyes.

"Fight for your life. Push through all those barriers and make the best of your life. Fight Isla. Fight Isla"

"Mum," I say as my eyes start to turn dark. "I love you"

"I love you-"

Her voice fades as my eyes flutter and I'm not in this white space. And my mothers not there.

Instead, I see various people with masks over their noses and mouth. I see medical instruments around this dark blue room. A few lights are in my face.

"She's awake doctor." I hear a voice.

"She's pulling through and pushing herself. " Another voice says.

My eyes fade close and I smile to myself.

"She's going to be just fine, I can tell she's a fighter." A voice says as I drift asleep.

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