Chapter Eight

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I have never fought with Jonathon like that. The look he gave me as well. It actually scared me.

I sit up in the tower looking over the snowed court yard below me.

The folders on the other side of the small room, just eyeing me. Wanting me to read it. But i'm unsure what to do. I look back at the courtyard and the sun is rising.

Only my dad knows about this tower. And I want to keep it that way for a while.. This is my place, my little hide away from everyone.

I cuddle my legs against my chest and watch the sun rise over the snowy courtyard and garden. I don't want to leave my tower. But my stomach needs food and my veins are craving tea. I watch the last little bit of the sun rise and head down the tower and into my room. Gently closing the secret door behind me.

Henry's still fast asleep on the bed. I wrap my arms around my stomach and quickly get out of my room and down to the kitchen. I grab the spare kettle in the cupboard, a mug, about two dozen tea bags and a jar of honey. I also sort through the pantry for some chocolate and chocolate crosiants. I place into a basket and wonder back to my room quickly.

I walk in and Henry is still sleeping, which I am glad for. I place my basket next to the secret door and quickly retreating up to my tower, with a book and my iPod thrown into the basket.

I just want to spend the day away from everyone.

I need to spend the day away from everyone. I need time and space to read this folder. I'm shit scared of what I might read and the outcomes that might come from it.

I hear the kettle boil and I walk over to my little coffee table in the tower, whilst knocking over something on my way to make my cup of tea.

I turn around and groan to myself. I knocked the folder over. The folder of memories. My first instinct is to pick it up, which I do without hesitation. But the moment I pick it up and look at a lose photograph, I drop the folder again.

This one photograph I had in my hand was just all I needed. It was a just a photograph of myself and Phillip with a necklace around my neck. A necklace that I have never seen, but this photo brought something back. And that's all it took for all my memories to come back. All that pain and heart ache. All the lies from Phillip and Henry and finally Jonathon betrayed me.

Phillip loved me. His always loved me and that necklace was from here declaring his love. And Henry and I were never dating and that the locket was a little inside joke between us. And then that night, Phillip and my grandmother were arguing about something. Something that just broke my heart from thinking about it.

I grabbed the folder and quickly stormed out of the room. I needed answers and I needed them now.

I stormed out of my little hide away. Henry wasn't in my bed anymore. Nor in my room. I marched out of my room and downstairs to find all three of them, Phillip, Henry and Jonathon in the lounge room. I looked at them.

"Would you care to fucking explain why Phillip got Lilly pregnant, then how my grandmother knew about this and how you, Henry, lied to me about us being a relationship, you fucking used me and cheated on me. Oh and apparently I was getting set up by my grandmother to be with you Henry and not Phillip. And finally Jonathon, how you lied to me about getting Phillip to work with us and the relationship behind that with my grandmother?!"

I threw the folder on the coffee table with pieces falling out. I was furious. Beyond mad with all of them. They all looked at me guilty and upset.

"Someone start talking!" I hiss at them.

"Isla... " Jonathon starts. "We didn't mean to lie to you."

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