Chapter Five

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As days passed, my life was turning around. The pain was going away. My half cast on my right was off and my stitches were out.

However, I still have a small scar on my stomach, where my appendix should be, but isn't.

More days passed and Henry was always around. He would do his work from my bedroom. He would stay by my side. Unless Jonathon needed me. In which Henry would leave.

Jonathon and I have been planning his twin babies arrival. Constantly skypeing Maggie back home to check in. Jonathon leaves in a few days time to return home and return to work. As I and Phillip are here, someone needs to run the office while we are away.

"So I was thinking," I took a sip of tea and looked at Jonathon.

"Oh god... This can't be good!" He groans to himself. I slap him playfully.

"As I was saying... I think it would be an amazing idea to have our winter shoot here. At the estate. Whilst there is still snow. My only issue is..."

"If the budget can stretch..." Jonathon finishes my sentence. "I get your drift. I can check the numbers and we can figure it out. But it sounds like an amazing plan. I'm going to message Phillip to help us out here."

Jonathon gets off the bed and walks out whilst on his phone. I let out a big sigh.

Phillip and I have been getting better by each day. Slowly, but we are getting better. It's still a little awkward between us, but we are trying. Well he's tring to make things work.

I grab my cup of tea and take a sip. I let out a sigh as I smell my tea and take the sip.

A quick knock on my door and Phillip enters my room. He smiles at me and walks over to the bed with a thick folder in his arms. He hands it to me. I place my tea cup down and take a hold of the folder.

"And what is this?"

"This is the something for you to read in your spare time." He smiles talking a seat where Jonathon once was.

"And what might be in this folder?"

"Memories," He smiles.

"Memories?" I question him. I straighten up in the bed and open the folder up. Phillip quickly places his hand over the top of it, making sure I don't open it up.

"Memories for you to read and see in your own time. I put together things that should help you gain back some of your memory."

"Thank you," I was slightly shocked by this gesture from Phillip. "It's very kind of you, but why did you do this for me?"

"I care about you, Isla. I care a lot about you and I want you to remember that..." He pauses and looks away, "I need you to remember the good and the bad and the ugly memories of things that have happened to you. I feel like you deserve to know things."

I place the folder down. I am very curious as to what is in the folder. "Is there something I should know Phillip?"

He looked up at me and then quickly looked away. He was avoiding the question. I was starting to get worried.

"Phillip, what's wrong? Should I be worried?"

He let out a sigh and then groaned to himself. "Fuck" he muttered under his breath. "I screwed up Isla, let's just say that. I made a huge mistake, which turned into another one and that set off something even bigger which resulted in hurting someone I cared about deeply."

I was slightly taken back by what he said. He was admitting the truth though, I could just sense it. The way he spoke and just coming clean about it. I'm just not sure how to take it.

"I fucked up royally Isla," He looked up at me and his eyes just said it all.

Phillip did fuck up.


I sat at the desk in the library. Henry entered with a pot of tea and muffins. Phillip enter shortly after that with paperwork and samples of clothing.

There is no time for holidays in the business. Which is why we are having a meeting during holidays.

"So what do we have so far?" I ask the two of them.

"Well budget is good and if we use local models or family we can pull this off." Henry started pouring the tea.

"Yeah, and the wardrobe has arrived. So we have the clothing and accessories. What about a photographer?" Phillip stated.

"We have one," I point out. I pick up my phone and pretending I'm doing something on it. But in reality, I am not. I haven't gotten a photographer. Because there's someone I want.

"Well. who is it?" Henry and Phillip say in unison.

I look up at my phone. "Oh, yeah. Well..." I hesitate.

"WHO?!" They both yell.

"I'm looking at him," I turn my head and look at Jonathon.

Phillip and Jonathon turn their heads to each other. They point at each other. I groan.

"You to are a pair of baboons. Jonathon, I'm looking at you."

"Why me?" He asks.

"You love photography. You've always loved it. You took the very first shoot we did back when we first started. I feel like it's time to use you again. I feel like we need a fresh start to 2015 and you and your amazing eye for photography is what I think we need!" I move over to him. "I believe in you Jonathon. And I want you to do this."

"Is he really that good?" Phillip questions.

I slap his stomach hard. He grunts and winces in pain.

"Of course he is you asshole. He is amazing. He was the one that started the site with me. He has the eye for it."

"Fine, I want him!"

I squeal and clap at Phillip's answer.

"Good, because Jonathon is better than any other photographer we've had!" I compliment him. "So, what o you say?"

Phillip and I look at Jonathon. We eye him, making him fall under pressure. I give him my puppy dog eyes, that he can not resist.

"Ok, fine. I concede. I'll be the photographer!"

Phillip and I high five each other and woo.

We got to work quickly. Grabbing samples of photos of my family and cousins and figuring out who was going to wear what. Several hours of planning and prepping everything was draining. Even with more than a dozen cups of tea my way, I was exhausted and slightly stressed about the whole shoot. I didn't want to fail this.

We were trying to create a new look for 2015. I wanted change and to move passed everything that happened in 2014. After everything, I just wanted this to be right; to be prefect.

But you can't have a prefect world.


I come bearing an update. I know it's short and it's more of a filler chapter. But today is my birthday in Australia and I thought i'd give you guys a present.

Tell me what you guys think. You all know the drill!

Your amazingly crap author,

Krystal Waters

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