Chapter Twelve

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Everyone was calling it quits on their long day at around 8pm, whilst myself, Jonathon and Phillip were stuck in the board room, going through everything. And I mean everything.

Samples, old issues and patterns, fabric swatches, models and accessaries.

I had left around 2ish for my meeting with the board about my proposal. Which went swimmingly. They all agreed and had their points said and tabled. I answered everything to the best of my ability and yeah. All except one thing.

"Have you notified all of the company's executives about this decision?" One of the board members asked.

I hesitated for a moment and gulped.

"Umm, not quite everyone." I replied. They looked at me.

"So, who exactly haven't you told? Since we may need to find a replacement for the Melbourne office and potently someone to help you over in England?"

"Mr. Perkins doesn't know yet, nor will he know until everything is finalised. As for my replacement, like I've already stated, I'd be travelling to and from both offices. If not conference calling and skype. I know that puts a lot of pressure on me, but I'm willing to put my heart and soul into the new adventure." I stood there, determined for there questions not to get to me.

"Miss Collins, are you aware that Mr. Perkins must find out before we make this decision?"

"I did not."

"And were you aware of the relationship between our board and your grandmother?"

"I was recently told this information. I've discussed this with Mr Hack thoroughly and I've been assured by my grandfather that she will no longer take part in this company. I am willing to put all my inheritance on the line to help and fund this companies new adventure."

"Very well Miss Collins, thank you for seeing as today." Everyone started gathering their notes and proposals.

"No, the pleasure is all mine. Thank you for seeing me and hearing my thoughts." I did a curt nod before leaving the board room.

I sighed of some relief, but I was still worried that they might refuse the new store.

Hours passed and the board room was no longer filled with the members, but myself, Jonathon and Phillip. No papers or folders or a white board with my plans. Instead filled with everything else.

I was rummaging through the samples of clothing for this new line. Phillip was sitting at the table, looking through the lookbook whilst Jonathon looking at the accessories.

"I'm going to grab some tea, anyone want a cup?" Jonathon yawned.

Both Phillip and I said yes and Jonathon walked out.

It was awkward. There was silence from our months but the radio was playing. And then it kind of got more awkward. The cast of Lion King singing 'Hanukah Matata' came on. Phillip just laughed.

"What's so funny?" I take a dress of the clothes rack.

"This is hands down my favourite childhood song. It always got me out of shit." Phillip looked me in the eye. "Mean's no worries, for the rest of your days." He sang

"It's a problem free, philosophy." I joined in.

"Hanukah Matata" We sang together.

We clutched our stomachs from laughing.  I wiped away the tears coming from my eyes.

"I've missed that laugh," Phillip moved away from the table and moved closer to me.

I shied away from him. I moved back to the rack and put the dress back on. Phillip stood there with a hand in pocket and then stroked his chin with the other.

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