Authors Note

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I would like to thank each and every one of you, for not only reading and commenting and voting, but for giving me the chance to write again.

I've had a tough year and you guys have supported me through my ups and downs and all the heart ache. Some chapters may reflect on how I was feeling at the time and others were written from past experiences. It has been a terrible year, but you guys helped me write again.

Thank you one and all.

Secondly, without some special people in my life, my writing would be honestly crap, like I say in each of my A/N, 'Your amazingly crap author' , I believe some days its true. I was never good or great or fantastic at english throughout school. But I still love to write. I love to express my feelings in fantasy, that and I can't write song lyrics for shit. Trust me, I've tried.

Thirdly, thank you for supporting my story with Isla and Phillip. I know its been painful and slow, and my character development changed a heck of a lot over the past year or two years I have spent writing. And I know it's taken time to upload, I blame school and my upcoming Web Series. 

Keep an eye out for it, plus more writing will be up shortly. 

Finally, thank you on behalf of myself.


Your amazingly crap author,

Krystal Waters. 

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